"Fun Party"

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So Mike and Vallyk got back in the car thank god. I couldn't stand to be in there alone with Derek for another second. So now all of a sudden he wants me. What happened to I just want sex. We were driving around and playing music for another 20 minutes. Until the boys got a text that somebody was having a party. Hey Morgin you wanna go to a party. Ok sure. I have never been to a party I don't know what to do. All I know about parties is to stay away from red cups. So we got there and I followed the guys. Or atleast I tried to all these girls kept flirting with them. I literally watched 20 girls throw themselves at them within 5 minutes of being there. Guys I'm gonna get a drink ok. Don't worry I'm not gonna drink alcohol. I was pouring my drink when this random guy came up to me. Hi I'm Jake. From state farm I say. Lol so original. Here let me pour that for you. I was trying to keep an eye on the boys so they don't do anything stupid. Here is your drink oh thanks. After about two sips I was out. I got you was the only thing I heard. Suddenly I was in a bedroom and everything went to a blur. I woke up in the boys house once again. Only this time with a major headache. Everybody was awake and on there phones. Wow I sleep here so much I might as well live here. Haha yeah you should. Wait what happened. Wait you don't remember. No I just know that this guy named jake gave me a drink and I ended up in a bed then everything is a blur. Well jake kinda spiked your drink. Wait wtf. Yeah we found you in a bed and he was on top of you. We pushed him off and Mike carried you to the car. I am so sorry. For what. For everything that was all my fault I shouldn't have ruined your night. You didn't and it wasn't your fault. How about next time don't take drinks from random people. I'll keep that in my mind thanks mom. Haha shut up.

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