Meet The Trendz

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Morgin wake up wake up. Yeah I'm up ok I'm up ok. You wanna go meet my family. What are you talking about your family isn't in Las Vegas. Yeah I know I booked a plane for today. You coming or what. Ok fine ha just let me pack my bags at my house ok the way. Ok come on we're leaving now. So I packed my bags quick asf because I didn't wanna miss our plane. We got in the car and drove there and we got to our plane just in time. Derek fell asleep on me. Then he woke up and started recording a yt video and put me on the camera. Stop what are you doing you know your fans would be upset if they knew you had a gf. I don't care I want everybody to see you. Ok are you recording. I've been recording. Omg haha. So we landed and got some food and Derek forced me to get these matching sweatshirts. Derek's friend picked us up and it was about a 15 minute drive to his house. We finally got there tho. Hi I'm Morgin Rose and you must be Derek's sister. No I'm his mom. No way you don't look a day over 19 I'm not even joking you seriously look 19. Haha thankyou. Ok so your Derek's sister Ahiella right. Yeah. Well you are beautiful I'm sorry I can't meet somebody and not compliment them ha. So Derek took our bags upstairs. Morgin come over here I wanna talk to you ahiella says . Ok. So how long have you and Derek been talking. What do you mean. You know talking as in not officially together. What are you talking about me and Derek are dating did he not tell you. No he brings all of his situation-ships to the house and they don't last over a month. Um Derek come here. I grab his arm outside. Derek I am fucking leaving. You have gotta be kidding me you didn't tell them we were dating they probably think I'm just another thot. Omg calm down I didn't tell them because I didn't want ahiella to ruin it like she did my last one. So what I'm just making the time past or something who's the next one gonna be huh Derek. Then he grabs me in for a hug. Morgin there are no nexts you are it you are what I have been waiting for ok. Really. Yeah you think I did all this for nothing I love you ok. I love you to. Ok now let's go back inside and watch some movies I'll get the snacks. Ok.

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