What Are Yo-

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I instantly opened my eyes because I didn't know what it was. Omg what are yo-. Shhh Derek's dumb ass said. Just let me make you feel better. Then he starts unbuckling my pants. I push his hands off and back away. DEREK STOP IT DIDNT I TELL YOU THAT I DONT WANT JUST SEX. Then everybody comes in the room. I just left and got some fresh air. Bro what did you do. I just wanted to make her feel better. Then Vallyk and Mike started running towards me since I got pretty far. WAITTT MORGIN. WHAT DO YALL WANT. We want you to stop for a sec. we heard what Derek did he's an asshole. Well no shit ha. But we really want to be friends with you ok. No it's fine you guys don't have to do this go be with your best friend ok I can walk home. No no your not you are staying we would never let you do that anyways. Then they grab my arm back to there place. I just didn't want to see Derek's stupid ass face. I got there and Derek went back to his room and I stayed in Mike's with Vallyk. Why are y'all doing this. What do you mean. You know treating me like your best friend when you know I'm just a fan. Why can't we be friends with fans. Because aren't you afraid I will attack you in your sleep or try to take as many videos and pictures as possible. Have you done that while we were here. I mean no b-. But nothing your our friend now and friends have each other's backs. Ok.

@dereksfanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora