Skating Ring Tingz

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As soon as I walk out they pulled up. I got all shy when I got in the car and didn't speak for about 10 minutes. That was until Derek broke the silence by going live. He actually put the camera on me and everybody started asking about me. I mouth why would you do that. He just puts his hand on my thigh and told me to relax. I didn't know what to do because we literally just met and he is already touching me like that. We get to a skating ring I'm lucky I didn't put on the dress I wanted to because that would have been embarrassing. Now for your information I can't skate. I just can't ha. Don't worry I got you. Derek literally held me by my waist and started skating right behind me. I can't even count how many times I almost fell. We skate for another hour. Then we leave and get something to eat. We got some Italian food. I got spaghetti and so did Derek. Everybody else got chicken pasta. I finished my food before everybody else. I was hungry. We then left and went back to there place. Derek took a shower and I just sat with Mike and Vallyk. So where you from Vallyk asks. Oh I'm from Tennessee. Then what yo ass doing in Vegas Mike says. My mom got a job down here and we moved here when I was 14. So you been here for a minute ok. Yeah it hasn't been fun haha. Why is that. People just don't like me here. I even tried changing myself but they just hate me. Well don't listen to them they are fools. Thanks I wish you went to my school. Derek comes in the room and grabs my arm to go to his room.

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