We Need To Talk

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I got up to take a shower and Vallyk gave me some clothes to wear. Then I go outside to make tiktoks. I'm not tiktok famous but they are just so fun to make. I come back upstairs then Derek stops me. Morgin he-. Derek I really don't wanna hear it ok. Look we need to talk ok. Fine what do you want. I want you. Derek no you don't you want me for a day or night. Let's just be friends ok it'll be so much easier and you can go have sex with any girl you want I'm sure you would want that. Morgin I'm sorry. Are you because do you know how it feels to have a guy you really like and would spend the rest of your life with tell you that they only want sex so take it or leave it. No Derek I don't think you do ok you hurt me. The only way you can talk to me is if your my friend take it or leave it. I just go back to Mike's room and sit there on my phone just thinking. Hey you good Mike says. Oh no I'm fine ha just um thinking. About what. You know about who's the one. Hey mike your older so have you ever felt like you found the one but they don't think you are the one. Yeah plenty of times I just can't find a girl that wants me for me and not just for sex. Wait but aren't you a virgin. Um uh ok listen I'm gonna tell you something but you can't tell anybody. I'm not a virgin. Then why do you say you are. Because when a tiktok boy says there a virgin it makes them more appealing I guess. Well yeah I can see that but still you don't have to lie sex isn't a bad thing. Oh yeah tell that to the girls who have never met me and will attack anyone who comes near me. I will hahaha. But no seriously I just want to find someone who loves me that's all maybe it's impossible. Don't say that your gonna find someone and when you do your gonna have the best time of your life.

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