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I just kept thinking about Derek and what happened yesterday. Maybe he was just talking to her I mean you never know. Maybe I'm doing to much of over reacting he said he loved me so maybe he actually does. You know what I'm calling an Uber and me and Derek and gonna have this talk for the last time. I got over there and the boys opened the door. Where did you go yesterday. Oh I went home. But why. It was nothing I just felt kinda sick um where is Derek. Oh he is in his room a but I wouldn't go in there it's one of those days where he just wants to be left alone. Idc I'm going in. I opened the door slowly. Hey Derek um listen im so- Derek hello. I went over close by him and he wasn't breathing. Derek DEREK DEREK SOMEBODY HELPPPP CALL 911. WHAT WHAT HAPPENED. HE ISNT BREATHING. Vallyk calls 911 and his Derek's brother rides to the hospital with him while Mike drives us there. I hop out of the car so fast and I start running. I found Derek's room and there he was. I asked the guys to let me have a minute with him. I went to go hold his hand. Derek listen to me you need to wake up no you have to wake up ok I love you ok I LOVE YOU AND IM SO SO SORRY. I start crying so hard and I just lay my head on him. I love you Derek. I love you to. OH MY GOSH. I start hugging him aggressively. Oww your hurting me. I don't care never do that again ok. I'm sorry it's just nvm. No what is it. Look I get bullied a lot of social media. What do you mean I've never seen it. Yeah you've never seen it because I delete the comments but people dm me hate saying I am ugly or I am skinny. Derek listen to me idc what those stupid ass people say ok you are perfect in my eyes. Yeah well if I'm so perfect then why did you walk out on me yesterday. Yeah that's what I came over here to talk about until well you know. I over reacted yesterday and I should give you a chance. So what are we like bf and gf. Yeah I guess we are.

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