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I woke up and Derek was gone. I just got up and took a shower and put on the clothes he left for me on the bed. Then I went to go get some food from cook out but they were making a tiktok. I looked a freaking mess and I tried to walk by really fast so they wouldn't notice. But if they did. Vallyk literally jumped on my back and when we fell Mike got on top of him. AHHH GET YALL FAT ASSES OFF. They finally got up. What do y'all want from cookout. Oh I'm broke ha. That's not what I asked. Oh well then I'll get a milkshake and some fries. Ok. I went and got the food but of course I had a whole buffet because I'm fat like that ha. I got back with they food and we all watched a scary movie. I was legit finna leave since the movie was scary asf. But Derek grabbed my hand and pulled me on his lap. Then here go Vallyk and Mike. Aww y'all so cute. Shut up before I punch y'all. We finished the movie and went to the strip. We literally just walked around until some fans wanted pictures with them. Then after they were done here goes Derek flirting with this girl and he got her number. I started walking away. Hey Morgin where you going. Why the fuck do you care. What you mean. Derek you know I tried to give you a fucking chance but you just had to ruin it. What are you talking about. You know what I'm talking about that girl over there. We were just talking. Yeah sure Derek if y'all were just talking then our whole whatever-ship was us just talking. Morgin just wait. I just kept walking and called an Uber back home.

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