Part 4

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After we finished lunch, we completed our meeting routine by going to the movies. The usual argument took place.

"We should watch Alien Invasion 3!" chirped Alex.

"I disagree, it doesn't have respect for Earth. Or satyrs!" argued Grover.

Nico burst out laughing. "Remember that one time when we brought Grover enchiladas and--"

"No! No, you don't remember that one time!" Grover interceded.

"What about Red Riding Hood?" Frank suggested.

Everyone reluctantly agreed, knowing that no one had anything better. I wrapped my arm around Nico's waist, following the group inside, and pulled him closer to me and I saw him smile to himself. This made me really happy.

Inside the movie theatre, everyone got situated. Alex and Magnus sat next to each other, cuddling. Frank and Hazel did nothing more than hold hands, Percy and Annabeth started to make out, while Leo and Grover traded new jokes, next to Jason and Piper who were talking about the movie trailers.

When I took my seat, Nico sat right on my lap and cuddled close to me. He was so close I could smell his Irish Spring soap. Was it normal that even though we've been together for several years, that I still got flustered and my heart sped up whenever he got super close to me or made adorable comments? I'm not sure, but I'm not complaining because I love the way Nico makes me feel.

Halfway through the movie, I could hear Nico's soft snores, and knew he fell asleep on me. I glanced over and saw Alex smirking at me, but other than that, it seemed that no one noticed Nico's little nap on my lap.

On the screen, the main character was staring lovingly into her true love's eyes and he held out his arm, showing her a werewolf bite, that was placed there just minutes before, by her father. He was staring at her, as he sailed away on a boat. The girl promised to wait for him, and it flashed forward to a big, black wolf that was nuzzling her. Then, the credits started to roll.

I shifted Nico on my lap, and he stirred, then woke up. His eyes widened in realisation, that he was sleeping on me, in front of all of our friends.

"Don't worry, only Alex saw you," I whispered into his ear, then kissed his cheek.

"Shut up, Solace," he chastised without actually being defensive.

The group filed out of the theatre and Alex walked up and wedged herself between Nico and me. "Did you have a nice nap?" she teased with a wink.

"Shut it, Fierro," Nico said.

She smirked at us. "You guys are too cute. It shouldn't be legal." Then she held back to walk with Magnus, who immediately put his hand around her waist and she leaned into his shoulder.

Nico laced his fingers through mine and grumbled something about me being ridiculous. I smiled at him and he turned his head away from me to hide his blush.

The gang split up and said their goodbyes, and everyone went home. 

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