Part 13

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"I'll go," said Percy. "I can handle myself, and I'm willing to do it to get Nico back."

We were meeting at Percy and Annabeth's house.

"I can't ask any of you to do that, it's not fair to you guys." I sat down on the couch and put my head in my hands.

"Will, I can do this," Percy pressed. Annabeth looked sick to her stomach but kept quiet. Everyone was just staring at me. The only people who weren't here were Hazel and Frank because they couldn't get a babysitter. Piper was also gone because she set up dinner with some fancy designer that wanted to hire her and she couldn't miss it.

"Percy... I can't... I can't let you give yourself up. I saw what he was doing to Nico, I couldn't bear if I put you in that situation."

"Don't you want to help him?"

I stood up. "Of course I want to help him! I want more than anything to give myself over to Luke so I can save Nico! Do you think this is easy for me?! He's the love of my life, Percy! I am barely keeping it together without him, and I don't I'd ever be okay again if I knew that I could have stopped you, but I didn't. I am not going to let you, any of you, do that," I snapped. Percy got a hard look on his face but stopped talking. "I'm not meeting Luke, tomorrow. There's still a chance that Luke will show up, we can come up with something...but right now, I need to go home." I started walking to the front door.

"I'll drive you," Alex offered.

As I walked out, I vaguely heard the rest of the group talking about, but at that moment, I couldn't really care about anything except that I basically just killed my husband.

When we got home, Alex pulled off her coat and said she was staying with me. She called a Chinese place and ordered takeout. I went into my room and laid down on the bed. I cuddled with Nico's pillow and pulled myself up into a ball inside his hoodie, I was praying to everything and everyone that if there was any sense of fairness or anything, I would get Nico back.

After a while, Alex came in with food and sat on the bed next to me. I was facing her, not making any acknowledgement I knew she was there.

"You should eat something. You haven't eaten since Nico disappeared," she said softly.

"You should go back home to Magnus," I mumbled.

"I'm not going to. Maggie can handle himself. You need me, you shouldn't be alone tonight."

I sat up and pushed the hood off my head, but I kept the pillow in my lap. I grabbed a container of egg rolls and began to absently nibble on one. The phone rang and I picked it up. It was Katie, I got the job. "Thanks, see you next week," I mumbled before ending the call.

"Listen, Will, tomorrow we'll get breakfast and go to the bookstore or something."

"I just killed my husband and you want to take me to breakfast?"

"You didn't kill him, we don't even know if he's dead. You made a difficult decision, and right now, there's nothing more we can do," she explained. Her phone rang and she left the room to answer it.

If I'm being honest, I wasn't even paying attention to most of what she was saying. I offered her some basketball shorts and a t-shirt of mine to sleep in because her outfit was definitely not comfortable. I'm not sure I remember falling asleep, all I remember is crying my eyes out, and Alex rubbing circles in my back. 

Hidden Scars | Solangelo | Mortal AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang