Part 10

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After we came up with our plan, everyone left and agreed to meet at Chase Space tomorrow morning. I considered turning on a movie, but once I tried, it didn't feel right that the couch only held me.

I decided to go to bed, I finally let out the tears I was holding back. I crawled into bed and cuddled with Nico's pillow. It smelled like his Irish Spring soap. I cried and cried. Nico was missing, who knows what Luke was doing to him. My stomach was sick with worry, I felt like part of my soul was missing. I had become so attached to having Nico around the past seven years, I couldn't wrap my head around him not being in bed with me. I cried until I didn't have any thoughts. If I had dreams, I didn't remember them.

The next morning I woke up, my eyes were still red and puffy. I looked in the mirror. My hair was all over the place, my eyes seemed to have dulled, and my face was emotionless. I ran my hand through my hair and walked over to the closet to get dressed. I put on fresh clothes and walked to the bathroom. I put some of my concealer over the redness of my eyes and put on my very best "I'm okay" face.

"Forget the world, I just want my Nico back, and Luke is staying behind bars this time," I muttered to myself. I ran my fingers through my hair and left for Chase Space.

Everything felt wrong. It was entirely too quiet and my car felt so wrong without Nico's bad singing. My heart longed for him, more than anything before in my entire life. 

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