Part 12

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Sadly, the time to meet Luke came. I spent the day at home worrying until I had to face him. Before I left, I took one of Nico's oversized hoodies he had and put it on.

I was sitting in my car outside the Starbucks, twisting the blade Annabeth gave me in my hands. Finally, I opened the glove box and placed it inside, then I went inside to meet Luke.

When I went inside, I saw Luke sitting at the table in the back corner. I walked over and saw him drawing a picture. It took me a minute to register that it was Nico. "What the fuck are you doing?" I whispered.

Luke looked up and smiled. "Good to see you too, take a seat," he said gesturing to the empty seat across from him.

I sat down and looked at the picture he was drawing. "Why are you drawing him like that?" It made me sick to my stomach to see Nico like he was in the drawing.

"This is what he looks like right now. Think of it as...proof of life," he smiled like he was humoured.

"I'm going to need more than a doodle as proof," I glared at the drawing again.

Luke clicked his tongue. "I had a feeling you'd say that." He reached into his back pocket and placed a Polaroid picture in front of me.

It looked just like the drawing. Nico was stretched on a bed and he was tied down. He was only in his boxers and all his scars were bright red.

"What the FUCK is this?" I yelled, standing up. Several people looked over but didn't say anything.

"Relax. The red is just paint."

"You sick fuck," I spat. "Why am I here, Luke? What do you want from me?"

"You told your friends about what happened. Now things have to go differently than I planned."

"STOP PLAYING GAMES!" I yelled. "Tell me how to get my husband back!"

Luke leaned forward. "You can trade for him. Tomorrow, noon, Stoney Meadows Parking; if you bring one of your friends, you get Nico back. Can't be Piper."

Hidden Scars | Solangelo | Mortal AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin