Part 18

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The next morning I was sitting on the counter watching Nico cook breakfast. He seemed so content being back in the kitchen. He was dressed in black leggings and one of my hoodies. I was wearing my jeans and a yellow t-shirt. I liked watching him cook. It made me happy.

Annabeth was coming over today with Alex for breakfast. We wanted to thank them. We invited Percy too, but he wanted to meet with the police first thing. I was hoping to get some information about what happened.

"This is really good," Alex mumbled through her mouth full of crepes.

"Nico has a gift," Annabeth agreed.

Nico smiled at the compliment. "What happened with Luke?" he asked.

Annabeth set her fork down. "Percy went with Luke, I had the police track his cell phone. Luke didn't check him for anything so it was easier than we thought. Percy is with the police explaining anything, we are meeting him for lunch later, you guys are invited. Anyway, Luke is in custody."

Annabeth looked like she was holding something else back but didn't want to say it. "But...?" I prompted.

"Piper was there too," Alex said.

"What do you mean? Luke took her too?" Nico asked.

"No... She was there, with Luke. Alex and I watched her confess the whole thing. It was all her idea," Annabeth finished.

Nico's jaw dropped open and I could feel my eyes widen. "Piper? Like Jason's girlfriend, Piper?" I asked.

"That's the one."

Nico sighed and leaned back in his chair. "Do you know why?"

Alex shook her head.

After breakfast, Nico decided he wanted to see her. He insisted on talking to Piper before the trial. Piper sat down in front of us, across the table. Her long brown hair was up in a messy bun and her eyes were red, like she had been crying. Her hands were handcuffed and there was a guard by the door.

"You know what Luke did to him. How could you... You have to be heartless to not only sit by and watch but to come up with the idea? What is wrong with you?" I scolded.

Piper sighed and met my eyes. "Will, Nico... I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was doing, I didn't think he would do anything. I--"

"Well whoopie-fucking-do, I guess all is well because you weren't thinking clearly," Nico cut her off. "You really think you can just say you're sorry and expect everything to be okay? Fuck you, Piper."


"No, I don't want to hear it. I came here to find out why, but you clearly aren't interested in telling me." Nico stood up and walked out.

I met him in the hall and he was running his hands through his hair and pacing back and forth. "Nico," I said.

He spun around to face me. "I thought I could trust her! I let her into my life... She... She..."

"Nico," I pulled his hands from his hair and cupped his face in my hands. "Take a breath, you're going to pass out if you keep breathing like that."


"Doctor's orders," I smirked.

"You aren't technically even a doctor yet," he grumbled, but got his breathing under control.

"Do you want to meet Percy, Annabeth, and Alex for lunch?" I asked.

"Yeah... I think I would like that."

I bent over and kissed his nose. "Let's go then, Tesoro."

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