Part 11

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When I pulled up, everyone was crowded around the front doors. I got out and walked up to them. "What's wrong... other than the obvious," I asked. Everyone seemed more on edge than last night.

Leo walked over and handed me a note.

I heard about your little plan.

Turning me in? Not cool.

Will comes alone, anyone else and I shoot your little boy.

Starbucks, 5 pm. Don't be late. It's so rude.

I just want to talk.

Come unarmed.

Piper sighed. "You can't go, it's not safe."

Everyone was staring at me, waiting for my decision. "I'm going. Yeah, it's unsafe. But you know what's more unsafe? Not going, because then Nico is dead, and I'm not risking that."

"Will--" Percy started.

"No," I cut him off. "Percy, if this was Annabeth, you would run into action without thinking clearly and strangle Luke with every muscle in your body. I'm doing this. I'm doing it alone, now, let's get lunch until five. I need to stop thinking about this."

Everyone was either gaping at me or staring at the ground. We stood around for a while, just staring at each other, waiting for someone to do something.

Eventually, Annabeth grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards my car. She opened the driver's door and tilted her head, telling me to get in. Once I did she walked around and got on the passenger's side.

"What do you think you're doing?" she asked.

"What do you mean?"

"It's too dangerous."

"I'm going."

"No shit, of course, you're going, but you're not going without this." She reached down to where her boot was and slipped out a knife. "You're taking this, and you are meeting me before anyone else after you are done."

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