Social Anxiety

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Cross over fic, Wooo!
Marvin x Anti

Marvin sat with a cup of over spiked  punch in hand, twisting his wedding band as a way of fidgeting. He was watching Anti as he was talking to his dark friends. Darkiplier, Blankgameplays, Virgil, and someone by the name of Natemare. Marvin watched Anti easily interacted with his friends, a spike of almost jealousy in him. Marvin heard a cup drop on the table he was sitting at, he looked beside him and realized someone sat across from him. He was dressed in almost all pink, including his hair.

He held out his hand.
"Wilford Warfstache." He said, Marvin looked at him for a second before responding.
"Marvin the Magnificent." Marvin responded. Snapped his fingers and pointed at Marvin
"Oh, you're Anti's husband! He was talking about you earlier. I'm Dark's." Wilford said.
"Oh really?" Marvin asked with an eyebrow raise.
"Don't be so defensive, he made you sound like joy to be around. And I don't mean that sarcastically." Wilford responded to Marvin's comment. Marvin didn't respond he just looked around. How'd Anti have so many friends. Marvin was never one for talking to people easily, interacting with people outside his work place and (very small) friend group was rare for him.

"Ahh that makes sense for a super hero." Wilford said. Marvin looked at him curiously.
"Oh sorry, little thing I can do. I'm sure you're used to people with weird powers." Wilford continued.
"Anyways, you should get out of your comfort zone. It'll help get you used to other people." Wilford stood infront of Marvin with his hand out.
"Come on, I'll bring you over and you can talk or just stand around us." Wilford finished. Marvin thought for a second. He grabbed Wilford's hand and was pulled from his seat and over to the group.

"Oh hey babe, Anti said as Wilford pushed Marvin over. Wilford pushed Marvin twards Anti. Tripping slightly and being caught by Anti. Marvin didn't make eye contacted, he just stood awkwardly next to Anti staring at the floor. After a while of staring and listening Marvin felt Anti's hand slip into his. Making Marvin look up and slightly smile at Anti.
"So Marvin, how long have you and Anti been married now?" Dark asked.
"Oh uh, just about six months." Marvin answered.
"Six months already? We haven't seen you guys since the wedding." Blank commented. Marvin slowly integrated himself into the conversation. The rest of the night was spent with the six of them. Chatting and laughing about random memories and other things. And not once did Marvin's anxiety enter his mind.

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