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JJ x Schneep

I woke up alone as usual. I look at the time,
It's wednesday, my day off. I get up and imediatly get dressed. Wearing a black sweater and brown pants. I take a second to fix my bed head and clean my glasses. Once ready I walked down staires to the kitchen and met Chase cooking with Sam and Robbie.
"Mornin Sheep!" Sam yelled from his seat.
"Vood morning Sammy, and vood morning Rob." I say to the two boys. Robbie nodded and stared at the toaster. Probably waiting for toast to pop out.
"What no goodmorning to me?" Chase said sarcastically, I role my eyes.
"Vood Morning Chase." I said walking over to Sam. The toddler had spilt something on himself so I grabbed a napkin to attempt to dry it.
"Do you vant zo do it?" I offered to Sam. Sam looked down at himself and grabbed the napkin to fail at drying himself. Once everything was cooked I grab some toast and say my goodbyes as I head out.

I sit in my car dialing the number of a near by flower shop. I held the phone in my hand on speaker.
"Schneep! Hi, hows it going?" Roman's voice rang from the other end.
"Hi Roman. I'm doing vood, you?" I spoke into the mic.
"Oh that's good to hear, especially for today. I'm doing well and I already have flowers ready for pick up." Roman said.
"Perfect, okay I'll see you zhere." I said.
"Bye!" Roman answered as I hung up. I started up the car and made my way twards Roman and Logan's store.

"Hello Henrik. Your order is on the counter inside." Logan said seeing me approching the store front. I nodded and went in. Roman saw me come in and ran up to hand me the small bouquet. I say a quick thank you and left. I gently placed them on the passenger seat and made my way out out of town. I drove for about an hour before reaching the destination. I parked outside the cemetary and slowly made my way though the headstones holding the bouquet and the 7th Harry Potter book tight to my side. I sat down infront of an out of ground plaque.
"Hey Jamie, happy aniversary." I said to the stone plaque. I rested the flowers ontop of it.
"Robbie didn't want to come this year. He'd rather not visit the vraveyard, understandably." I said aloud. I spend the next many hours reading next to his grave. Sometimes holding my hand over the plaque as I read.

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