
79 3 0

Anti x JJ
Tw: implied Ab(_)se

I sat alone as I texted Shawn. Sitting quietly as we typed back and forth.
Flynn:Oh hows that sore throat been treating you?

JJ: Fine still hurts to much to talk though 😅

Flynn:It's been a while, you need to see a doctor about that. I want to hear my brother again.

JJ: Yeah I plan to soon. I have to go talk to you another time

Flynn: Bye

I put my phone down as I heard someone enter the small living space.
"Hey, hows in goin'?" Anti asked as he came in.
'Good' I signed to him. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders.
"Who were you talkin' to?" Anti asked.
'My brother' I answered.
"Let me see." Anti said as I opened my phone for him. He looked through the messages, still holding me close.
"Okay." He said handing back my phone.
'I'm going to go shower' I signed to him.
"Leave the door unlocked." He said walking away. I got up and slowly left the room.

I ran my finger along the thick scab on my neck. Remembering that night. Shawn's starting to get worried. What if he tries to come by? That would upset Anti and I can't do that. I turned the shower water to cold as I think about everything. Why does he stay with me? I'm not anyone special. I've had to teach him sign language, which is almost to hard for him. I'm glad he put the effort in for me though. So he could still talk to me. Kinda sweet. I don't deserve him.

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