Abort Mission

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JJ x Chase
Human Sam

I stood infront of the sink washing dishes as I heard a slight thump behind me. I twisted the fosset knob so I could hear a little better. There was a small giggle and then a shush. I grabbed the hose off the side of the sink and readied myself.
"Now!" Someone yelled. I turned around and shot cold water out into the kitchen as I just barely missed a bright green nerf dart.
"Abort mission! Abort mission!" I heard Chase yell. I opened my eyes watched Chase role behind the kitchen island and Sam slowly role on the floor to Chase. I knocked on the wall to let them no I wasn't gonna fight back.

Chase stood up with the 3 year old in his arms. I turned off the water and walked over, flicking water at Chase.
"That wa mean Daddy." Sam attempted to say.
"Yeah, tell him." Chase said pointing at me. I noticed a yellowish mark on Sam's fourhead.
'What happened' I signed to Chase, pointing to Sam's head.
"Sam, what did Dad say?" Chase asked Sam. I signed it again, he thought about it for a second.
"I don know." Sam responded.
"He said 'What happened'." Chase said. I signed it again slower to try and get Sam to reconize the sign. Sam nodded.

"Tell Dad what happened to your head." Chase asked him.
"I hit tha wall." Sam responded casually. I nodded knowing why. Ever since he lost his sight in one eye he's had a hard time with cordination and the distance of things from his face.
'Okay' I signed to him.
'Are you going to say sorry for trying to shoot me' I signed to Chase. He huffed.
"Sam, say sorry to Dad for shooting him." Chase said. I lightly hit his arm. Sam giggled.
"Fine. I'm sorry for almost shooting you." Chase said.
'Apology excepted' I signed back. I leant in and kissed his cheek and then Sam's.
'I love you' I signed to both of them.
"I love you to Daddy." Sam said. Chase put Sam back on the ground and told him to go play.

Once he was out of the room Chase turned to me and kissed me. We stood for a second or two before he pulled away with a blush.
"My heart just fuckin melted. He's cute sometimes." Chase commented.
'I know right' I signed back to him.

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