Memento Mori

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Unus x Annus
TAKE that mother fuckers, in the video where Mark amd Ethan try to make fire it's confirmed that Unus and Annus are seprate characters and not just Mark and Ethan in a suit!

Author's note day after finishing: I wrote this around 3 am so give me a break. I tried to fix it but it's still not as good as I planned. Enjoy anyways I guess.

Everything around me was black. Pure black. Burned into my skin were the words Tick Tock. It was the final hour of Unus Annus. The final hour of our existence. I shakly stood up and looked around me. Behind me there was a bright area of pure white, I started running over to the whited area. It seemed far away but I kept running, and running, and running. Until I finally reached the edge of the blackness. I stepped into the white and a small spiral apeared where I crossed colors. I didn't have to admire it though. I looked around for a second before seeing a body layed out in the white.

"Annus!" I yelled out before running over. I fell to the ground beside him. I shook him awake.
"W-here am I?" Annus asked aloud. Annus's body was also covered in the Tick Tock scars.
"Unus?! Where are we?" Annus asked sitting up straight.
"I don't know but listen, it's the final hour of Unus Annus! We don't have very long left-" I was cut off by a coughing fit. I coughed out black ooze.
"Oh my god." Annus said.
"Why? Why? Why? We only just began why so soon?" I asked to the universe.
"Un, this is what we've been looking to since the begi-"

"I know!" I cut Annus off.
"I know this is what it's all been leading up to. But I don't wanna go Annus! I don't want to die!" I cried. My tears where even slight tinted black. I coughed up more black stuff, causing me to lean forward to not get any of it on me.
"Unus, I had no idea it bothered you so much." Annus said putting a hand on my back.
"I'm not done. It can't be over yet. Not yet not now." I started panicing. I suddenly felt Annus pull me into a tight hug.
"It'll be okay." Annus reasured.
"No! No it won't be! I'm losing spencer, I'm losing my life, I'm losing you!" I cried into Annus's blazer.
"Un I'll be fine." Annus commented.
"No it wo-...listen Annus, if this is really the true end for us." I took a pause.
"I love you." I blurted out.
"I love you too." Annus answered almost instantly.
"R-really?" I asked whiping away more tears. Annus suddenly cupped my cheeks and pulled me into a kiss.

I was suprised at first to say the least, but quickly got used to it and kissed back. I rapped my arms around him and climbed onto his lap. Annus grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to him. I parted to take a breath for a second.
"I-I-" I stuttered before turning away and coughing up more ooze.
"An, I'm dieing." I said to him. I rolled over on my back. Feeling more tears spill over. Annus came over and sat me up straight. His face had white cracks going through the skin, like a shattering mirror.

Annus roled up his sleeve to reveal the timer. They had 30 minutes left.
"Annus?" I asked.
"Yeah?" He answered. I grabbed onto the collar of his shirt and pulled him into another kiss.
"Since this is it, I'm gonna do what I've always wanted to." I said, he nodded enthusiastically as I got on top of him. Makeing out for a while. Suddenly he broke away falling on his back. The cracks had gone farther up his face.

I looked back at his arm and saw that there was only ten minutes left. I lay next to him.
"So this is how we die." Annus said.
"Yeah." I said feeling more of that black stuff come up my throat. I fought it back down.
"Glad I kissed you before we did." I joked. Before sitting and thinking in silence.
"3 minutes." Annus commented.
"Thank you for being here." I said.
"Thank you for making my life." Annus said back. I saw tears start fall diwn his face despite him being expressionless. He reached amd grapsed my hand tightly. I suddenly felt his hold loosen. I looked up and saw his eyes turned a pure white.

He was dead. I mustered up some strength to speak out.
"Memento Mor-

That was a fcking roller coaster. Cheezits Christ

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