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This was going to be hard, a quick look and I already counted 7 demons. how is this possible? Oyakata-sama told us there was just a lower moon here? 

My train of thoughts was broken when the demons started attacking. since Shinobu is way faster and stronger than me at the moment she protected me like a shield she covered my blind spots and made sure no one came close.

A demon with multiple eyes came running up to me, I used striking tide to cut off his head. I'd normally make a little show and cut off some limbs but we didn't have time for that.

I noticed a demon crawling in a tree, he was about to jump onto Shinobu. I pushed her away and easily cut trough she fragile neck of the demon.

These are just normal, weak demons i still don't understand the situation.

Shinobu and myself were constantly moving. my stamina was slowly running out which lead to Shinobu protecting me more.

We killed 34 demons in total, and I was exhausted. Shinobu was still perfectly fine because she's basically still a demon in a humans body.

A let out a deep sigh and sat down against a tree. Shinobu smiled softly and sat down next to me, she put her head on my shoulder and held my hand.

"You did a good job" she said softly and brought my hand to her lips she softly pressed them against my hand and I felt energy running trough my veins.

It felt like a fairy kissed me and made me float I felt awake and ready to go into battle.

"What did you do?" I asked her, thinking she did something.

"I lend you my energy, you needed it." Shinobu answered with a smile.

"Won't you be exhausted now? A demons aura is still here, the job is not done yet." I answered, concerned as I caressed her cheek.

"I'll recharge soon, besides I didn't give you that much I'm still good to go," she stood up and pulled my arm "c'mon old man, let's get moving."

I chuckled and got up "who are you calling an old man?"

Shinobu walked as she was still holding my hand, her other hand on her katana. ready to go into battle at any moment. "you of course, wasn't i speaking the truth?" she said with a small giggle.

I examined her face, she had a soft flush on her cheeks and a resting smile. her hair was flowing with the wind and her posture looked cute.

"I love you" I mumbled. Shinobu looked at me and smiled brightly as her cheeks got an ever darker shade of pink. "I love you too, Tomioka"

I frowned "not calling me by my first name anymore?"  I said as I stopped walking

"meh don't feel like it," she said as she pulled out her blade and stabbed demons neck right behind me.

"you're really cool today." I said, a bit stunned from what she just did.

"I have you by my side." she answered dry.

"oh how good to see you, upper four.." a voice called out.

My heart dropped in my chest, its the lower moon. no, it cant be. lower moons barely know what happens to upper moons how would they know thats Shinobu is, I'm sorry, was a demon.

An ugly creature jumped down from a tree, it looked like a male. his body looked weird and he had neon green hair with black spots. his teeth were rotten and his nails were brown.

"Gyutaro" Shinobu hissed

Okay, Shinobu knows him. nice. very nice.

I noticed Shinobu's hand she was  holding up two fingers I didn't quite understand what she meant.

"Where's your lovely sister?"  Shinobu asked with a horrible tone in her voice.

I immediately got what she meant , there are two demons.

"She's taking a beauty nap you know, being gorgeous is quite tiring you know that as well don't you?" The guy looked like he was smirking but I couldn't quite make it out.

Is he seriously flirting with my girl, I held my katana ready to attack but Shinobu grabbed my arm. She shook her head and I backed off what is she planning?

"This is something I have to handle."  the tone in her voice gave me the creeps it sounded like anger, revenge and so much other negative feelings.

"Ohhh is that your boyfriend?" the thing said with a mocking voice "Did you tell him about us?"

"Shinobu, what is he talking about?" I know this isn't quite the time to start this but the thing doesn't look like he's going to attack so, "Talk to me."

*possible trigger warning SA*

"He did things to me,,, without my consent" Shinobu didn't look at me, her eyes looked bland. no sparkle. no light. it reminded me of death.

"What kind of things?" I know it spoke for itself but I had to make sure it was that kind of consent.

"The things even we haven't done yet."
I took a deep breath and tensed up my jaw, this mfer had to die right now.

I grabbed my blade and ran towards the thing as fast as I could. water breathing, second form. water wheel!

I could hear Shinobu yell no from behind me what was she going to do? keep talking with the guy? he hurt my buttefly and nobody hurts my butterfly.

When I was running towards the thing I noticed why she didn't want me to attack him, but I had a plan and he was going to die. that night.


i said this would be 3 chapters more but i think it'll be around 5. this chapter is nothing what i wanted it to be, i'm stretching it big time bc idk how to start what i want to do.
anyways i'll figure it out!
also go follow my insta @/omgkanxe i make video edits of kny bnha haikyuu and more!
author-san out!!

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