Chapter 2

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"Class. We have a new student going us!" That's my cue. I waltzed in. "Please introduce yourself.", the teacher smiled. "I-I-...I'm K-Kidding. I don't stutter!", I laughed. "Nishish~ Im Kokichi Oma!~ Ultimate Supreme Leader!~", I announced. I turned to look at Kaito. His face was full of shock. "Oh! Hello Kaito!~ Missed meeee?", I grinned. "Oh my! Do you know Kaito, Mister Oma?", The teacher asked. "Nishish~ Nopeeeee not at all.", I smiled. "That was just a lie! I know him very well!", I grinned mischievously. The teacher smiled and left for a while. I looked around and saw many people looking at me in shock. "Hm hm. What's wrong y'all? Cat got your tongue?", I smirked. Kaito must've told them about me. Everyone stayed silent. I began to cry crocodile tears. "WAAAAA! YOU GUYS ARE SOOOO MEAN! *Hic* WHY ARE YOU *HIC* IGNORING ME?!", I faked sobbed. Everyone started apologizing. "Nishish!~ That was just a lie! I don't care about attention! But that was also a lie!", I announced. So easy to manipulate... "Ah, sorry Oma. I'm Kaede Akamatsu! Ultimate Pianist!", a Blonde chick smiled. "Ah, hello. I'm Shuichi Saihara. The Ultimate Detective...", a boy with blue hair and yellow eyes mumbled. "A detective huh...this is gonna be fun~", I smiled to myself. Piano freak introduced me to everyone and Kaito was left. "I'll do this one on my own. Thanks Kayayday!", I giggled at the nickname. She rolled her eyes playfully and walked away. "What's up Space kid?", I chuckled. "What are you doing here you dirty bitch.", he snapped. "Well this is a school isn't it?", I smiled innocently. He aimed for a punch but missed. I punched him back in the stomach and he fell backwards. Everyone seemed shocked. "K-Kaito has never used violence-...", Avocado boy stuttered in surprise. "Hmm? No violence? That doesn't sound like the Kaito that hurt me~", I whined. Kaito looked down. "You told me what to do and what to say, I couldn't escape. You got to choose the ending of my fate. You put me astray.", I grinned. Kaito looked up. "But not anymore. I'm in control!", I announced. Kaito slowly stood up. " fucking rat!", he yelled. "Nishish~ That's no way to talk to your classmate Kaito~", I smirked. " this the boy you talked about...he seemed to beat you up..", Keebo stuttered. "WOWIE! A ROBOT! DO YOU HAVE A DICK?!", I exclaimed. "T-Thats Robophopic!", he yelped. "Kokichi look-...I'm sorry about the stuff I've done....", Kaito said. "'re sorry? HA! AS IF ILL BELIEVE THAT STUPID LIE!", I yelled. "YOU MADE MY LIFE A LIVING HELL! FORGIVENESS?! I DONT THINK SO!", I yelled. Kaito flinched. "So be it then...", he smirked. " be it then Kaito.", I laughed. I heard the teacher come close to the room. "Kaito...Pathetic. Still stupid as ever.", I taunted. As the teacher walked in Kaito yelled in frustration and slapped me. That's my cue...crocodile tears started pouring. "KAITO! WHAT DID YOU DO?!", the teacher yelled. "I-I just tried to say hello to a old friend! Then he slapped me!", I fake cried. "TO THE OFFICE YOUNG MAN!", The teacher yelled. "B-But I..", Kaito said bewildered. He scowled then left. I looked down and smirked. "This is gonna be really fun~ Nishish~!", I smiled to myself. "Kokichi please sit down next to Shuichi.", the teacher smiled. I nodded and sat down. Shuichi stayed silent. "W-..Why did you lie..?", he whispered. I froze. H-How did he-...
I turned to him with a smile. "But I didn't lie mister detective...", I whispered back. He looked unsure and then turned around. "Hmm not so gullible after all...", I thought to Myself.
"Got the eye for the detective? Stick your dick inside him!", Miu smirked. I stared at her in disgust. "Stinky slut...", I huffed. "S-S-Slut?!", she yelped. "Hm? Did you say something?", I said with a cold glare. She shook her head and turned around frightened. I smiled to Myself. "This school is mine..", I thought to Myself. I yawned and put my head down.
Lmao time skip cuz Kokichi fell asleep.
"Wake up Ouma." I sat up yawning. "Oh hi shumai....", I mumbled. I sat up straighter (no I'm actually gay) "What time is it?", I asked. "Class just ended so it's 10:00am.", he said. "K....", I mumbled. "Hey dipshit!" I turned around and saw Kaito with a girl. She had two brown pigtails and red eyes. It's Maki. "Oh it's you.", I scoffed. "K-Kaito don't call anyone Dipshit please...", Shuichi sighed. "But sidekick- he is a dipshit-...", Kaito frowned. I stood up and faced Kaito. "Kneel before me you peasant!", I commanded. "W-What?! Hell no!", Kaito growled. (Kaito go grr 🐯) "Force it is then.", I sighed. I'll be honest I love forcing people. I kicked Kaito behind his kneecaps and he fell to the floor. I then put my foot on his back. "There you go. It wasn't so hard was it now?", I smiled. "Do you want to die?", Maki said. " not yet.", I smiled. She lashed out a knife and tried to stab me. I dodged the knife and snatched it from her hands. She looked startled. "No assassin can beat a supreme leader!", I smiled. I kicked her behind the kneecaps and she fell as well. "I'm small so I'll use you two as stepping stools.", I said as I stepped on them. "WHAT THE HELL OMA!", Maki yelled. Everyone seemed shocked by what I did. "Are theses two your strongest?", I asked. Kaede nodded hesitantly. "Hm that's doesn't seem right.", I frowned. "These two are weak....", I sighed. I let Maki go. "I'll keep this idiot.", I smiled. "He can be a chair now.", I said. I sat down on Kaito and crossed my legs. "Hmm....I feel like I'm missing something...", I mumbled. "Oh I know!", I exclaimed. I turned over to The Atua girl...think her name was Angie or something. "Can you make me a crown and a scepter!?", I asked excitedly. "Nyahaha! Atua says I can Mr.Oma!", She laughed. I smiled and turned to cosplay girl. Pretty sure her name is Tsumugi. "And can you make me a cape!?", I asked. "Ah uhm- sure?", She said awkwardly. "And all of you peasants will address me as King!!!!!", I giggled. Everyone stayed quiet. I frowned. "I said you will address me as king", I commanded. Everyone nodded hesitantly. "I'm just kidding!", I giggled. Everyone seemed relieved. "But I still want the crown, scepter, and cape.", I said. I stood up and Kaito stood up. "I still hate you and I'll make your life a living hell.", I spat. Kaito froze. Yes. What a weakling.
I kinda like these people. Maybe I'll help them out....ha why not? I mean-...they all suck at class competitions...I'll help them win! "I know all of you suck at class competitions so I'll help you out. Everyone will tremble at the very mention of class 79 and Their Supreme Leader!", I announce. Everyone seemed surprised but cheered.
I laughed and cheered on with everyone. What fun this will be.

Lmao this is fun to write
1223 words

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