Chapter 19

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I knocked on every door and gave them the chips and juice. After that that I went to my room and sat on the floor in silence. What the actual fuck is going on? I blinked and looked around. This place is cool...well of course it is. It's my room and house. How did I get this house...? Oh yeah I worked for it. Worth it. I stood back up and decided to go visit Angie. I dusted my pants and walked out the door and to the room Angie was resting. I stood in front of the door and knocked. "Come in", a muffled voice said from inside. I opened the door and popped my head in. "Oh Hello Kokichi.", Tenko waved. I stepped in and closed the door. " are you Angie?", I asked. "Oh hey. I'm doing okay. Thank you for helping me and Himiko.", she smiled. "Hey, it's no problem really.", I shrugged. "It really is. You didn't hesitate to jump in after them.", Tenko said. " I told maki...I will put my friends safety before mine.", I smiled. "You should still care about yours Kokichi...", Himiko yawned. "Well yeah I do care about mine but I won't be dying anytime soon.", I sighed. "Just don't be too reckless.", Angie shrugged. I laughed and nodded. "We're all practicing for the competition so we are all in our assigned rooms.", I said. They nodded "I'll be going with Miu with her for a while.", I waved and left to Miu's room. I knocked on the door "Miuuuu!!!! Are you in there??", I asked. "Yeah!", she shouted. I stepped in and smiled. "Whoreeee!~", I giggled. "ratttt!~", she giggled back. I smiled and sat down in a chair. "So watcha building for the competition?", I asked. "Well I don't really know..I want something flashy...but not too flashy!", she said as she looked around for a screw. I tossed her one and she caught it "Maybe a...Maybe a...gun  like the gummy bear one? Except this one makes anything you want?", I shrugged. Her eyes lit up "Hell yeah! Maybe I'll do that!", she smiled. Her smile wore off "...It's gonna be hard...maybe I can't do it...", she mumbled. I immediately frowned. "You can still try, No? It may be hard but it sure ain't impossible!", I said. She smiled a bit and nodded. "Starting to sound like a mix of Kaede and Kaito.", she smirked. I grinned, "Hell no! I just speak the truth!" "That's rich coming from a liar.", she teased. I rolled my eyes "I'll be leaving now. Ima go see Shuichi!", I smiled. "Okay bye!", she waved. I waved back and left the room. I raced downstairs to go outside. As I ran down I tripped on the stairs. "MOTHERFUCK-!", I cursed as I face-planted on the cold floor. I sat up and crossed my legs. "Shit that hurt...", I yelled. I stood up and something came back to me. I ran back up stairs and changed from my uniform and I ran back down. I got the car Keys and bolted out. I ran to the training area and smiled. "I'll be right back!", I said. "Where are you going?", Ryoma asked. "Hospital. I'm gonna pick up Koko.", I grinned. "Oh. You guys don't know what happened- Shuichi can you explain to them. I'll be right back in a few minutes or so!", I said. Shuichi nodded and walked up to me. I kissed his cheek and ran to the car. Alrighty. Let's go-

In the hospital :)
I walked to Koko's room and opened the door. "LETS GO HOME KOKO!", I shout. She smiled "Let me just finish eating.", she said. "The gang is over to practice so it's gonna be a a bit loud.", I said as I patted her head. "Oh. That's fine! I wanna talk to Saihara.", She shrugged. "Shuichi? Eh? You wanna talk to Shuichi?", I raised and eyebrow. "Yeah! I want to thank him properly and I want to ask him a few questions!", she smiled. I nodded "alright!", I smiled.
In the car :}
"Well let's get going now!", I grinned and turned on the car. Koko and I put on our seatbelts and we drove back all the way home. I parked the car next to a tree and we got out. We walked back inside. A loud pop was heard and we both flinched. "WELCOME BACK KOKO!", Chisa cheered. Everyone was inside the room and the room was decorated with a banner and balloons. "Ah! Thank you guys! It feels great to be back!", she smiled. I smiled and walked to Shuichi "Koko wants to talk to you.", I said. "Wha-? Why?", he asked. "I don't know. But go.", I shrugged. He nodded and walked to Koko. She nodded and pulled him to a corner.

Shuichi's POV:
"You wanted to talk?", I asked. "Yeah! I wanted to Thank you for keeping Kokichi safe and helping out with my injury.", she smiled. "N-No! It's okay! I just don't want to see Kokichi loose another friend.", I said. "I also wanted to ask you some questions.", she said in a serious tone. I nodded "A-And they are...?", I asked. "While I was in the hospital...the doctor told me your uncle would be staying in jail. So you're going to stay here right?", sh asked. "Y-Yeah..Kokichi allowed me to stay here.", I smiled nervously. She smirked "Okay! So when you guys decide to be...mature...don't be too loud! Although I don't think it's you who's going to be loud.", She giggled. Heat rushed to my face, faster than the speed of light. "N-No! Uhm...W-we w-won't.", I coughed nervously. Her eyes widened "SO YOU ARE GOING TO-!", she shouted. I felt my cheeks turn redder. "NO- Well..not right now!", I said quickly. She burst out laughing "Alright alright! Just don't let him be too loud! He's such a bottom.", she sighed. "Ahm. I-I well...Okay.", I smiled stupidly. I walked back to Kokichi. "What did you guys talk about?", he asked. "......Ahm...Stuff....and she thanked me.", I said nervously. He raised an eyebrow. "Mhm!~", he hummed. "Ah...Uh.....The oxygen is nice?", I said stupidly. He burst out laughing. "Y-YEAH!", he giggled. Tears of laughter started pouring out. "The oxygen is nice!", he mimicked. I sighed loudly. "No kisses or affection for 2 days.", I smirked. He immediately shut up. "I was being serious, Kokichi.", I said. "W-What? No! Please! Give me affection!", he begged. "No.", I said. "PLEASE! IM SORRY-!", He yelled. I shook my head. "No is no Kokichi.", I said. His eyes started tearing up. I started panicking "Wait no! I was just kidding!", I said quickly. "Really...?", he asked sadly. "Y-yeah!", I said hugging him. He hugged back "I was just kidding. The crying? That was just a lie." , he giggled. I sighed "Whatever. I love you.", I smiled. He pulled apart from the hug slowly. Wow his face is really red. " you too.", he mumbled. "What was that?", I asked teasingly. "I said.....I love you too.", he said louder. His face is more red. I started giggling a bit. I leaned down and kissed his cheek. He touched his cheek softly and gazed at the air. "", he mumbled. "Okay. I'll kiss you.", I smiled. I leaned down and pecked his lips. He froze but slowly kissed back. "Not in front of my chips!", Tenko snickered. He pulled apart and looked at tenko. "Ah sorry!", he smiled. He grabbed my hand and we walked all the way to the stairs to our shared room. We stepped in. "So when I was small...I wrote a song. It was because of past events...that led me to write this.", he said. "Do you want me to listen to it?", I asked. He nodded "its sorta depressing but i like it.", He said quietly. "Go on then. I'll always hear you sing.", I said and patted him on the head. He smiled a bit and nodded. "It's called...Love...Hate...Don't ask", he said. I nodded and sat down on the floor. "Alright! I'm all ears.", I said. He nodded and took a deep breath.
Kokichi's POV:
" Misery loves company
But I'd rather be alone
My false romantic tendencies
Have made themselves at home
Like alcohol, these helpless thoughts
Impair my mind
My judgment may be gone
But I'm sure that I'll be fine
I'm not lost
I'm just waiting
I've been loved
I've been hated
I'm not well
I'm just jaded
I'm in love
And I hate it
Lullabies to sing at night
As the walls watch me muse
Of bluer skies and butterflies
And mindless platitudes
Bitter-sweetened memories
Impair my brain
But at least I've got my dreams
To spare me pain while I'm awake
I'm not lost
I'm just waiting
I've been loved
I've been hated
I'm not well
I'm just jaded
I'm in love
And I hate it
I'll be fine
I'm just needy
I don't mind
I'm just bleeding
Hope you're well
'Cause I'm still healing
Why is love
So misleading....?", I sang. It took all of my will power to not cry failed. When I finished the song I had many tears that were falling down. "Fuck...Why won't it stop?!", I said angrily. I wiped them away but more came down. I felt some arms hold me tightly. "It's okay Kokichi...It's okay...", Shuichi said as he rubbed my back. I felt calm. The tears hadn't stoped yet's okay. Shuichi's here and...when he's here...I can be happy..True happiness is with Those you love dearly. "I love the song, Kokichi. You're not needy...You're Kokichi Oma, The Ultimate Supreme Leader, and the cute boy I love dearly.", he whispered. "And I...will always love you.", he whispered. "Thank you...Shuichi.", I said but it was sorta muffled because I had my face in his chest. He laughed softly and pulled me away. "Huh?", I mumbled. He leaned in and cupped my cheeks. "You know I don't want to see you sad...because it makes me very sad. To see someone I love so much cry? It really hurts. I know...this is very selfish of me...but please do not cry anymore.", he smiled softly. I nodded and smiled a bit. "I love you so so so much.", he laughed softly. He leaned in more and closed his eyes. Soft lips landed on mine. Very very soft.
Okay y'all here's the deal- you will get a future book! So like I will finish this one with a "good good" ending. (No one will die YET)
Then after this one is done Ima make college adventures for them. Then in that book I shall provide you dirty readers with some good old smut. The only thing spicy here, in this book, is Miu's tajin addiction. :) so like enjoy this fluff ;)
I fell onto the bed with a small thud and Shuichi on top of me. Before I knew it, I was on top of him and we were having a full make out section.  I pulled away to breathe. "I-I love you too...I love you a lot.", I smiled. He hugged me tightly and we both laid down. "Cuddles sound good?", he asked. "Yeah..Please.", I yawned. He kissed my cheek and I closed my eyes, falling into a deep sleep.

Kirumi's POV:
I knocked gently on Kokichi's door. No answer? I opened the door quietly and I saw Shuichi and Kokichi asleep. I smiled a bit and walked over to them. Shuichi held Kokichi tightly with such love...And Kokichi held him as well, tightly with love, and a bit of drool dripping from his mouth. He really is childlike. I took out a handkerchief and wiped the drool away. I patted both of their heads and covered them with a blanket. I smiled once again to Myself. I walked back to the door. "Thank you...Kirumi.", someone whispered. I turned to see Shuichi smiling. "Just...taking care", I smiled softly. He laughed a bit and went back to sleep. I stepped out of the room and walked back downstairs with a smile on my face. "Woah what are you so happy about, Kirumi?", Kaito asked. "So where are they?", Kaede asked. "They're both asleep.", I said. Kaede nodded. "What are you happy about then?", Kaito inquired. "I am", I said as I turned around and walked to the kitchen. I turned back around, "my child has grown up so much.", I giggled. All of them stood there stunned by my laugh. "So what do you guys want to eat?", I asked.

Y'all that was cute af. Anyways yuh sorry sorry sorry for the late update. I have a four day weekend so I'll update Tomorrow once again!
2193 words.

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