Chapter 5

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When I was little my house burned down. Along with my parents...I was the only one who survived. I was inside playing with my toys when I started to smell smoke. I stepped outside my room. I saw a man with white hair (lmao not Nagito) he has a mask on and he stabbed my Mother. Then there was a woman with brown hair and a mask. She stabbed my Father. All I could do was stare in horror. Some people just murdered my parents and like any other 10 year old I didn't know what to do. When they saw me they ran out the window and jumped. After that I never saw them again. All I saw was my parents dead corpses getting burned slowly. A cop ran inside and took me out. For some reason the firefighters never showed up...only the cops did. I told them I saw people kill my parents and they tried searching for them but never found them. They took me to an orphanage. I was 10 when this happened...I was 10 when I came into an orphanage.
Time skip some months later
I made new friends...9 in total. We called ourselves D.I.C.E. It was our small organization where we made laughable crimes together. Then she came. A new girl and her siblings came to the orphanage. Her name was Kaiyo Tobe. She had a brother and a sister Hibiki was the brother and Koko was the sister. Kaiyo has silver hair and crimson eyes. Hibiki has white hair  and crimson eyes. Koko has brown hair and dark brown eyes. They seemed very nice so we let them join D.I.C.E. That's when things took a twist. She wasn't nice at all. She body shammed everyone, made them fell bad about themselves and she was a narcissist. What the hell Kokichi! You're fat as hell! Your eyes are weird!", she yelled at me. After many comments like that my insecurities stared growing. I got a bit skinnier and I covered up my Heterochromia with some contacts. I covered up my yellow eye so it can match up with my purple eye. She wanted everyone to feel bad so she can feel good about herself. I'm pretty sure she's a fucking Sadist. After some time she was getting adopted but she did something horrible.
I was talking to Hibiki and we were laughing about one of the pranks we pulled on someone. That's when Kaiyo came up. "Hey Kokichi-chan! I want to tell you something!", she smiled. "What is it Kaiyo?", I asked. Two people came from behind some doors. A man with White hair and dark brown eyes walked up. Then a woman with brown hair and crimson eyes walked up as well. "Meet my real parents. They killed your parents!", Kaiyo giggled. "Y-YOU!", I screamed out. "W-Who are they Kaiyo?", Hibiki asked. "These are our real parents!", She smiled. "They don't like you at all and neither do I.", she said darkly. I noticed Koko hiding behind a tree and peaking. Kaiyo then got a knife out of no where and stabbed Hibiki in the chest. Hibiki had a face of pure shock and horror. He fell to the ground dead. "H-Hibiki?!", Koko screamed out. She stopped hiding behind the tree and ran up to her brother. She stared crying loudly. A security guard came out of the building and saw Hibiki on the floor and Kaiyo with a knife. He understood everything. He ran towards Hibiki and called for backup. Soon after two cops took the parents and one took Kaiyo. She was laughing like a maniac. I fell to the floor. She....Her parents killed my parents....She killed Hibiki... I stared to sob so loud. The rest of D.I.C.E came out and saw Hibiki on the floor with a puddle of blood. They all came running and crying. "H-Hibiki! It's n-not funny! S-Stop pranking us!", I sobbed. He moved his mouth a little. He's not dead yet! "Call an ambulance!", Koko yelled. "T-There's no need for that....I'll die anyways...", Hibiki said softly. "Hey...don't works like this...One day you're making lovely memories and the're dead....", He laughed softly. I stared to cry more. I took off my scarf and tied it around his neck. He smiled softly one last time and closed his eyes. He seemed peaceful. Later that day we held a funeral for Hibiki Tobe. A dear friend of mine and A brother to me...Right there I hated...No...despised Kaiyo. I wished I would never ever see her. I wished she would die in jail....but...she came back.

I opened my eyes softly and saw so many blobs. "He's awake!" I heard. I got flashbacks to what happened. I shot up. "WHERE IS SHE?!", I yelled. "SHE'S SUPPOSED TO BE IN JAIL!", I Yelled louder. "Kokichi....who was it you were talking to? And what do you mean jail?", Kirumi asked. I felt my eyes tear up. "Hey! A supreme leader never tears up!", I thought to myself. "Kokichi...everyone has feelings...let them out...for me..." It sounded like Hibiki and my parents... I start sobbing uncontrollably. I felt some arms wrap around me as I sobbed. I don't care who's wrapped their arms around me. I looked up and I saw Shuichi hugging me. "Kokichi...if you can at the moment...can you tell us about the girl...?", He asked. I nodded slowly. "When I was 10 my house stared to burn. I stepped outside my room and saw two people kill my parents. A man with white hair and a mask and a woman with brown hair and a mask. They saw me and fled. They where never found again. I got put into an orphanage after that. That's where I met Kaiyo, Hibiki, Koko, And D.I.C.E.", I said. Everyone nodded and I continued. "Kaiyo, Hibiki, And Koko are related. So they came at the same time. Me and D.I.C.E let them join our organization. Kaiyo seemed so nice but I was wrong. She bullied everyone and she was a sadist. She bullied me for my....Heterochromia....", I mumbled as I took of my contact. I looked up and showed them my yellow eye. "This is how I really look like.", I said. "Kokichi...that's amazing...", Kaede said in awe. Shuichi nodded softly as he stared at me in awe. "Anyways...she cause everyone pain and she loved it. One day I was talking to Hibiki about a prank we pulled on someone when Kaiyo came up to us. Soon after two people came up. They were the people that killed my parents and set my house on fire.", I explained. Everyone seemed shocked. "Kaito bullied me but...Kaiyo killed my parents...", I mumbled. Kaito looked down. "She said that she ordered her parents to kill mine. After that.......she killed Her own brother...", I said as my voice cracked. I heard gasps. "Koko saw everything and she ran up to Hibiki and tried to help was no use...he died in the end. His last words were "Hey...don't works like this...One day you're making lovely memories and the're dead..." After that she got taken away but...she must've lied her way out of things...", I explained. I looked up and saw almost everyone trying not to cry. "So that's that.", I said. "We're gonna win this Kokichi! So she can go back to her rightful place!", Tsumugi Cheered. She was still trying hard not to cry. But I didn't say anything. I smiled softly. "Yeah..", I said. That's when Shuichi did something I'd never imagine...

He slapped me.


Shuichi kissed me. I heard gasps and some squealing.

1320 words

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