Chapter 18

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Kokichi's POV:
I felt warm. Very very warm. What the-! I open my eyes in a flash and saw Shuichi asleep. "Oh...", I mumble. Memories of yesterday came waltzing back to me. Shit. I stood up quickly. "What day is it...?", I ask out loud. "Think it's Thursday..", A voice behind me said. I turned around and saw Shuichi rubbing his eyes "Morning..", He yawns. "Oh sorry did I wake you up?", I ask. He shakes his head. "Oh well then Good Morning.", I say. "....School.", he says. My eyes widened and I check the time 9:30am. "SHIT WE ARE SO LATE! PACK YOUR SHIT AND LETS ZOOM!", I Yelped. He rushed out of bed "I need the uniform though..", He said. I froze. "Well shit....uhhh....Let me just change and we'll go to your apartment!", I say. He nods and I start changing. Oh. Shuichi is here. "AH SORRY!", I Yelled and rushed to the bathroom. I changed, brushed my teeth, And combed my hair. "Alright...", I say. I grab my book Bag and grab Shuichi'a arm. "We're gonna run for it.", I say. His eyes light up a bit. "Okay.", he says. And just like that we ran all the way to his apartment. We rushed inside only to smell alcohol. "Ew...he drank here again..", Shuichi mumbled in disgust. "You change and I'll get your book bag!",I say. He nods and we walk to his room. "...Oh....I forgot about this. Sorry You have to see this.", he says quietly. I step in the room to find many things shattered and bits of blood on a glass table. "Let's Just hurry up..", he said. I nod and start collecting his books. He finished changing and we left the nasty smelling apartment. "Here you go", I said as I handed him the book bag. "Ah thanks.", he smiled. "Let's run now!", I chirped happily. He nods and we run all the way to hell or school...whatever you call it. The air is so nice... We ran inside the gates and to our classroom. "Sorry we're late Ma'am! We ran into some issues!", I said. "It's okay...don't worry about it. Just go to your seats please.", she smiled. We nodded and took our seats. "Why were you guys late?", Himiko asked. "Shuichi needed clothes and his school items since he's living with me now.", I explained. She yawned and nodded. The teacher started to teach her usual stuff while I followed along to the lesson. "Alright class dismissed...You guys go to P.E now.", She said. We all stood up and walked towards the gym. "GO CHANGE AND RUN LAPS AFTERWARDS AROUND THE GYM!", the teacher shouted enthusiastically. Angie groaned a bit and walked into the locker room. She's not good at sports, is she? I walked into the locker room and started changing. "Man...I don't wanna run laps...", Rantaro groaned. "I do.", Kiibo smiled. "You and Shuichi do. You guys are the fastest runners in our class!", Kaito said. "He's right.", I said. "Gonta thinks it would be fun to run!", Gonta smiled. Ah-...Too pure. "Running huh...? I'm not good at that.", Korekiyo said. "I'm not either.", Ryoma spoke up. "It doesn't matter if you're good or not! At least try to have fun!", Shuichi grinned. I grinned back "Shumai's right! Have fun!", I said as I stretched my arms. I stood up and walked out. "Oh hey Angie.", I waved. She waved back "Hello Kokichi.", she said. "You're not good at sports are you?", I asked her. "Yup. It's that and well..", she drifted her attention to the floor. "Huh? What's the other reason?", I asked. She narrowed her eyes at me slightly. "'s this thing girls have some time a month..", she explained. Oh. OH. oH. "Oh! Okay okay! Do you have any cramps? Do you have the pills in case you do? Do I need to tell the coach so he could excuse you? Do you have the...stuff for it? Do you need any money to buy the stuff?", I started asking. She giggled "How do you know all this?", she laughed. "Well...when you have some members who are hear some interesting stuff and I'm their boss so I help them!", I smile. "Oh! Okay! No i don't need anything!", she smiled. I sighed in relief "okay good! I wouldn't want any of my friends that are girls to embarrass themselves!", I grin. She smiles "You're a really nice guy Kokichi! Shuichi definitely deserves someone as nice and considerate as you!", she chirped. "Aw thank you Angie! Tenko and Himiko deserve you!", I say. She smiles "Well I'll be leaving now! See ya later!", she waves. I waved back and turn to run some laps. After a while I finally finished running my laps and I go searching for Shuichi. He was sitting down drinking his water. "Hey Shuichi.", I say as I sat down next to him. He puts his bottle down "Hello Kokichi.", he smiles. "Did you finish running your laps?", I asked. "Yes I did.", he said. "You are so fast!", I giggle. He smiled a bit "Thank you.", he said. I nodded and laid down on the bench "I'm tired..", I yawned. "I don't think you should fall asleep here..", Shuichi mumbled. "Huh? Why not?",I asked. His narrowed his eyes to the side so I did as well. There Gonta, Ryoma, Angie, And Tenko were frowning. "Oh. Sorry!", I apologized as I sat up. "It's okay!", Gonta smiled. They all sat down. "Ahhh! Finally I get to sit down!", Tenko chirped. Angie put her head on Tenko's shoulder "Don't move..I'm comfortable.", she said as she closed her eyes. We stayed quiet for a while then Angie sprung up and ran to the restroom, Clutching her stomach and looking nauseous. "You didn't do the dirty did you..?", Ryoma asked looking uncomfortable. Tenko shook her head and stood up "Wonder what this is about..", she said. "Tenko come with me for a sec.", I said. I stood up and we walked to the side. "What's up?", she asked. "She's on her...*cough* days *coughs*", I whispered. "Ohh! Okay!", she whispered back. "Here I'll be right back!", I said. I ran to the nurses office and stormed in. The nurse looked at me blankly. "Yes?", she asked. "My friend is on her days..and uhm Her stomach you have any pills she could take?", I asked. She nodded and grabbed some stuff from her cabinet. "Here you go.", she said. I grabbed the pills "Thanks!", I smiled. She nodded and I ran back to the gym. "H-Here you go Tenko.", I said handing her the pills. "Alright! Thanks Kokichi!", she said and sprinted to the bathroom. I walked back to the bench and sat down. "What did you give Tenko?", Shuichi asked. "Some pills..for Angie.", I smiled. He nodded "Looks like they finished.", I said as I started at everyone. "Si-Sidekicks...aha...ha....I-...finished...runnin!", he panted. I tried to hide my giggles but failed. Then I burst out laughing. Kaito shot me a glare and then started laughing as well. "Why are you guys laughing so much?", Maki asked. "Oh, No reason!", Kaito giggled. Maki rolled her eyes and punched Kaito playfully. "Sure.", she shrugged. "Ay Shuichi! Move your ass!", Miu snapped. I stood up and motioned to my spot. "You can sit there. I'll sit on the floor.", I shrugged. She smiled "Thanks Kokichi!", she grinned. I sat on the floor and looked around. I glanced back to all of us "You all wanna come over and practice?", I asked. "Hmmm Yeah sure!", Rantaro shrugged. "Sounds good.", Kirumi smiled. Kaede nodded as she chugged some water. "Please be might choke on that.", Kirumi said. Kaede shrugged and continued to chugg it. What weird friends I have.

Time Skip
We all walked out of the school and walked to my house. We were getting closer to the deep lake. "Let's go!", I cheered. We all walked on the bridge and stepped out once we finished. "The weather is nice.", Ryoma hummed. I heard a small giggle and I turned around to see Himiko and Angie. C'mon Himiko and Angie!", Tenko smiled. Angie put Himiko on her shoulders and they stepped on the bridge. Angie started running towards up as Himiko laughed. Then a crack was heard and interrupted her giggles. Angie looked up as her eyes filled with regret...and with that The bridge collapsed. Himiko and Angie fell into the lake. Tenko stood there frozen with fear.

Angie's POV:
My lungs filled with water and I felt something wrap around my legs. What the... Air...I need air. That something pulled me more down. I screamed but all I got in return was water. I moved around but I got caught up in some type of plant. I saw Himiko trying to swim up but she failed. I tried to move to her but it was no use. Air. Air. Air. Himiko started to drown and my vision grew darker. All I saw was some purple hair. Then it went dark.

Kokichi's POV:
Tenko stood there with fear. I dropped my bag and rushed to the water. "KOKICHI WAIT!", Kaede yelled. I jumped into the lake before she pulled me back. Cold water crept on my skin. I opened my eyes and looked around. White hair and Red hair. Perfect. I swam and untangled Angie from some type of plant. I grabbed her by the wrist and swam to Himiko. I grabbed her and I swam back up to the surface. I swam up and felt hot air. "HELP OVER HERE!", I shouted. Shuichi and Kaito ran up and pulled Himiko and Angie up. "Check their pulse!", I said. "Still alive!", Kaito said as he put his fingers on Himiko's neck. "Same here.", Shuichi said. I gasped in relief. It all went slow. Shuichi held a hand to me and I reached for it but...the plant wrapped around my feet. I stared in horror as I was about the say something but it dragged me back down. Water filled my lungs. I choked and started to move around. Shit shit shit shit. I heard a splash and saw light black hair. Then another splash. Blue-Ish hair. Shuichi and Tenko. I moved around and they swam to me. I motioned to the vines and they started to untangle them. I was free now I took them by their hands and we swam to the surface. Kaede, Kirumi, and Gonta pulled us up. "Thank you guys.", I breathed out. I stood up and ran to Angie and Himiko. "Ah..okay. They're okay.", I said in relief. "We should go to my place! I think I have some stuff that might help them.", I said. "Tenko you carry Himiko. Gonta you carry Angie please.", I said. They picked them up and we all walked to my house. I opened the door and I led Gonta and Tenko to a spare room. "Lay them down here.", I said. Shuichi walked in with towels. "Here you go guys.", he said handing us some towels. I grabbed mine and wrapped it around myself. Tenko wrapped the towels on Himiko and Angie then herself. Then Himiko woke up gasping and coughing. "Ha..Ha...where am I?", she panted. "My house in a spare room.", I said. She looked around and her eyes laid on Angie. "She's okay right?!", she asked. I nodded and Tenko hugged Himiko. "I-I'm glad you're okay..", she sniffed. Himiko hugged her back and patted Tenko's back. I smiled to Myself and stood up "I'll leave you guys alone.", I said. Tenko nodded "Thank you Kokichi.", she smiled. "It's no problem.", I smiled back. Me, Shuichi, and Gonta stepped out of the room. As I did I felt a smack on my head. "OW! What the hell was that for!?", I whined. Maki stood there with an angry expression. "Y-You jumped in..and saved them and you didn't care about your own safety!", she said angrily. I stood there quietly. She smacked me again. "Do you not care about your safety?!", she asked. I smiled softly "I'd put my friends's safety before mine.", I said. Her eyes had some tears that threatened to fall. "Huh?! Don't cry Maki!", I said quickly. She wiped the tears away but more came out. "Wait why are you crying?",I asked Her. "I-I'm not crying!", she sniffed. I laughed a bit "Please don't cry...", I whispered. Her tears stopped and she looked up to me . "Why where you crying?", I asked. She hesitated but answered. "I fell into that river and so did a friend of mine. I got out but she didn't.", she said quietly. My eyes grew wide. "Oh Maki....!", I said. "C-Can we hug you?", I asked. She hesitated but nodded. We all hugged her. "I won't die anytime soon, Maki! So don't worry! I'll still put their safety before mine but I'll be okay.",I said as I hugged her. She nodded slowly and put a small smile on her face. "Well now that we're here....let's start the practice. I'll go find some snacks.", I said. They all went to their rooms and I went to the kitchen and poured some drinks and got random bags of chips.
A good day to be happy I suppose.

Updates are gonna go a bit slower but I'll still update :) anyways yeah have a nice day
2280 words

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