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"I must report this to Mr. Park." He said in an emotionless voice.

Soomin moved quickly, picking up the pills and holding it close to her bosom. Panic starting to make its way through her body. "You can't. Please don't. I beg you."

He looked up, his eyes accusing. "Why would you do this? How could you be so heartless? Do you even know how much Mr. Park loves you?"

By now she was boiling with anger. Who was he to judge? Who was he to accuse her? Granted she herself didn't like what she was doing but it was her life, her body and she still hadn't lost her right of her own body.

"You have no right to say that." She seethed with barely held anger. "You know nothing about me nor Soongho. He is obsessed with me and he calls that obsession love. I beg you, with the remaining shreds of my self respect. Please don't tell him. Please don't make my life more difficult than it already is."

It was his turn to be angry now. How could this woman, who handled the flowers so delicately, her eyes lively when working could stop something that was so natural? How could she be so blind of the love that everyone could see in Mr. Park's eyes, that even his enemies saw?

"I can't help you with this, Mrs. Park." He asked, his hands clenched tight.

Her heart broke, tears threatening to fall but she controlled them. She fell to her knees, bowing deep as her throat clogged up. "Please, Namjoon-shi, I beg you. He'll kill me. He'll kill me just like he killed my father and brother. My mother doesn't have anyone except me in this world. Please."

Namjoon looked at the woman bowing infront him. Her hands were on his feet and he didn't dare move as he processed what she said.

He didn't know the entirety of what had happened when they had gotten married. He had been overseas, settling some business with their partners. When he returned he only knew that Mr. Park had gotten married. No one ever talked about it in detail. No one talked even when she appeared out of a room six months later, her eyes looking almost dead.

"Noona, please get up." His voice was hoarse, his body tense. It took all his efforts to not just pick her up and cradle her against him. "I'll help you only if you give me a valid reason."

She looked up then, her eyes and nose red but there was no moisture. She wasn't going to cry. She wouldn't cry. Not anymore.

Once they were back to work, she started talking. "I didn't know what to do. I was angry at him for killing my father and brother, I still am. I gag at his touch but I'm powerless not to forget I still couldn't believe that the sweet man I fell in love did something so hideous and illegal. I certainly didn't want to get pregnant because that would mean I'd be tied down to him forever." She stopped to see Namjoon listening with rapt attention. His expressions betrayed none of what was going through his head but his eyes were warm and sympathetic. She found hope looking into his eyes. Maybe, just maybe he'd help her.

Shaking the thought she continued. "Namjoon, I've always wanted to settle down, have a happy family, kids running happily around this shop as me and my husband worked here together. Instead I get stuck in this darkness of lies and blood and money. I don't want my children to born in such darkness, Namjoon and I know you wouldn't want to show your children this either. No matter how much love I give them they'll be born in the darkness and they'll be one with the darkness." She took a deep breath, exhaling softly. "I hope you find my reason valid."

She looked down waiting for his verdict but instead she got another question. "Are you going to leave him?"

She laughed bitterly at his question. "Do you really expect me to live with him after he destroyed my whole family? If it hadn't been for my mama I'd be dead right now."

Namjoon closed his eyes, feeling dreadful for Soomin. He couldn't believe she had experienced so much and she still kissed the man goodbye every morning. He had always believed his boss was a man of honour despite being in this world of brutality but now he wondered how he had been so blind.

"I'm sorry." His guilt was clear through his whole body. Soomin was shocked to hear the words sorry for the first time in the last two years. She didn't know how to react but she didn't have to.

"I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions. I didn't know you suffered so much. I can't promise you anything but I can promise that I'll keep you safe." His eyes burned with determination as he looked into her eyes so she could see his sincerity.

"I promise I'll keep you away from all dangers and I won't ever betray your secrets."

She grinned at him for the first time he met her, her smile enhancing her beauty to collosal levels. Namjoon felt a strange flutter in his heart that he had never felt before but he wasn't strong enough, brave enough to explore it any further.

She reached for his hand, squeezing it a little. "Thank you, Namjoon-ah. Your words mean a lot to me."


To those who have read and survived through the first chapters,
A big, big Thank you.

I know it must be a little confusing as the back story is not explained that well but it will get cleared in the next chapters.

I hope you keep reading further and I'll try my best not to bore you with my boring lazy ass.

P. S.
I just realised that I'm using the word ' hope' hell of a lot. Please ignore it and enjoy yourself.

I'll end my few words here now. The chapter has already crossed the 1000 words mark already. 💜💜

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