The Calm Before

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Note: Borrowed some headcanon from Ectoimp on Tumblr for this chapter, I love this comic they did…


            “Dinner! Don’t make me come back there and drag you cotton-brained nitwits out by your ears!” Vivi shouted down the hall, as Mystery shrank back down to his smaller size. The hind leg remained huge for a few seconds before folding back down.

            “Nice prosthetic,” Vivi patted the dog’s head. “Squire’s getting fancier.” She finished setting out plates as Arthur emerged, bickering with himself.

            “Your wrapping looks like a train wreck, just let me straighten it out! Why don’t you want it to look nice?” One arm continued to grab at a stack piled in the other arm, held just out of reach.

            “The paper’s gonna get r-ripped in a few minutes, there’s no point, just l-let it be! I don’t try and fix y-YOUR wrapping.”

            “That’s because my wrapping never needs fixing!”

            Arthur shook his head, dislodging several rubber bands from his hair. “L-lew, I swear, I don’t know anyone else who takes w-wrapping presents as seriously as you. Just leave mine alone, I’ve g-got it. It’s bad enough you know your presents.”

            Vivi blinked. “Lewis? Why are you possessing Squire, is he having trouble walking?”

            Arthur’s head jerked up, his irises glowing a deep purple. “Ah, no. Not at all.” They set their presents under the tree and walked over, sheepishly taking a seat at the table, in front of a set of burned-in handprints. “It’s just I… he…” He gestured at himself. “Wanted to let me enjoy some of your cooking?”

            “Yeah and I’ll kick you out if you keep thinking about sneaking over to the tree and und-d-doing my wrapping.” His irises turned black again as Arthur spoke, raising an eyebrow. “Don’t think I don’t see what your plan is."

            “Arthur it’s a mess!” His arms flailed.

            “Cool it you two before I find a way to knock your heads together.” Vivi smiled. “Squire, I hope you’re hungry enough for two."

            “I c-could eat for three, Viv, you know that.” Arthur grinned. Vivi was so grateful to see that grin. It was more haggard and worn, and parts of his face still twitched, but it had been far too long since she’d seen her Squire the way he usually was.

            Mystery hopped up to one of the seats, yelping as he landed. He whined a little, lifting his prosthetic to ease the pain. Arthur’s grin vanished, and he reached over to rub behind Mystery’s ears. “I’ll g-go get some meds first thing tomorrow bud, promise. Nothing’s open today.”

            The dog nodded, then turned his head toward Vivi expectantly. She grabbed a carving knife and fork, handing them to Arthur. “Why don’t you do the honors?” She sat back down as Arthur began sawing away at the ham. Occasionally his irises would glow purple as Lewis helped steady a tremor. Thick slices began landing on Vivi’s plate, Mystery’s and his own. Vivi scooped out generous portions of cranberry sauce and stuffing.

            Arthur sat down and began plowing into his food with gusto, his eyes flickering back and forth so fast it was hard to tell who was eating at any given moment. Vivi cut into her ham, the meat parting easily under the knife, and took a bite. Just right. She felt warm inside. It gave her a sense of pride that she could do this for the gang. There were plenty of other things she did on their stakeouts and busts, but this was the thing that pulled them back together after hard times or rough experiences. It always had been. And that felt good.

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