Across The Pond

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Note: I’m just gonna throw my hands up and give up on the whole “I think I’ll take this fic slower,” thing I said at the beginning, it’s obviously not happening. Also, I’m sorry, I have no idea what has to happen in TSA regarding prosthetics if they have metal in them, I’m making it up...


            “How’s it working?” Arthur stood in line for the ticket counter, glancing sideways at Mystery. He stood alongside Arthur in human form, dressed in the spare set of clothes from the backpack. He favored his mechanical leg, leaning on the cane as he kept pace with Arthur.

            “It works quite nicely. Thank you, it was a kind thought.”

            “You move a lot faster on that leg as a Kitsune.” Arthur raised an eyebrow. “What’s u-up with that?”

            “Well I can’t talk as a dog now, can I?”

            “What does that have to do with your leg?”

            “It means that the form I choose comes with certain limitations. As a Kitsune, I have the least limitations over my abilities. My leg doesn’t pain me nearly as much, and I can treat the limb as my own much more easily. As a human or a dog, well. While it doesn’t hurt as much thanks to that concoction,” he made a face, “It still hurts, and is strange. I recall it took you quite awhile to adjust, and your limb went through several prototypes before you found one best suited to your needs.”

            Arthur grimaced. “Y-yeah. When we get b-back I’ll see about working on a new one for y-you. This wasn’t supposed to be your permanent one.”

            Mystery nodded. “I look forward to it. Also though,” He gripped the cane tightly. “This form comes with an alternate center of gravity. It makes it that much more difficult to adjust.”

            “Point taken.” Arthur noted as they walked up to the ticket counter.

            “I.D.” The lady at the counter sighed boredly.

            Arthur handed his over, typing in his information into the screen to print his boarding pass.

            “Yours too.” She intoned, staring pointedly at Mystery as she handed Arthur’s back.

            As Arthur made to put his ID in his pocket, Mystery passed his hand by Arthur’s, grabbing his ID. His brows came together as he raised the card, which now had a different face and new information on it.

            “Mhmm.” She glanced at it and waved them on. The machine spat out their boarding passes, and Mystery handed the card back to Arthur as the two of them hurried off.

            “Illusion?” Arthur checked.

            “It’s been awhile since I’ve cast a full illusion, but I can manage an identification request.”

            “Yeah well we’ve got another prob-blem. You m-might need to t-take off that leg soon. There’s a button n-near the top if you do.” He stopped at the scanner, waving an attendant over. “Hey, my f-friend and I have prosthetics, metal ones. Wh-what do we have to do?”

            “Just come with me, we’ll wand you down.”

            Mystery rolled his eyes. “If they even knew, metal would be the least of their worries.” He muttered.

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