The Confession

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            Vivi sat in the backseat of the van for once, her fingers twisting in the fabric of her skirt. Arthur and Lewis had joined to drive back home. Lewis had insisted Mystery ride in the front passenger seat where he could keep an eye on him. A small purple ghost curled around Vivi’s neck, patting her face gently, and another coiled in her lap glaring at Mystery.

            “What do you call these, Lewis?” She asked, stroking one gently.

            “Deadbeats.” Came the answer from up front. She noted Arthur’s shoulders relaxing from their earlier tension as she caressed the little Deadbeat, which now nuzzled her hand for more.

            “That’s a terrible name, Lew.” Arthur sighed. “You really need to come to me for decent puns.”

            “I’m not in the mood Arthur.”

            Vivi sighed, turning to Mystery. “And you, human? What’s the occasion?”

            Mystery’s head turned slightly. “I am able to take many forms… or I was. It’s been a very long time, right now I can only recall how to shift into half a dozen. I should spend some time retrieving that knowledge… but I wished to speak with Lewis. These days it is more than a little disconcerting to humans when they see a dog transform into a kitsune. Also, my speech is limited to the form I take, excepting in my true form. The logical step was to take human form.”

            Vivi nodded. “How’s your leg, did the tea work?”

            Mystery touched his leg gingerly. “The worst of the pain is gone, yes. I assume you had further discussion with the Madame regarding your situation.”

            Vivi nodded, staring out the window. The van pulled to a stop in front of the house and Arthur hopped out. Mystery and Vivi followed as they all filed back into the living room. Vivi took the corner of the couch, keeping her eyes down. Arthur took the other corner, and Lewis left his body to perch on the back of the couch in between them. Mystery, still limping slightly, settled into the comfy chair.

            Arthur was the first to break the silence. “Lew, I can feel your heat from here. I know you’re really upset right now, but m-my house isn’t fireproof, and neither are we. Are you g-going to be able to hold back when she starts talking?”

            Lewis glanced at Arthur, startled by the bluntness of his question. “I’ll be fine.”

            Vivi plucked at a thread that had sprung from the hem of her skirt. The Deadbeats still draped around her, one now curled up on her head and the other staring balefully at Mystery from her shoulder.

            “You know how it’s really cool that Arthur is actually descended from King Arthur and all?” She swallowed. “It is really cool, but all I could think when I heard it was I wish I’d never met you.”

            Arthur’s face twitched.

            “Not cause I don’t like you, Squire. I mean, we practically grew up together. But that’s just it.” She lifted her head. “I’m descended from somebody too. Except she never really went away. And I think she wants to hurt you.”

            “Now you’re being haunted?” Lewis asked, incredulous.

            “Not ‘now’ Lew. My whole family line. She’s never left, she just takes the next daughter as her new body.”

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