On The Wings of a Nightmare

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Note: So JUST SO EVERYONE IS AWARE. I do not do lemons. I don’t even come close to lemon. Ever. However I have included PG level, um, shipping feels and hints. Just so you’re warned. If you don’t like that. And all.


            Fire. Cold, blue fire was crawling up her arm from her palm. It licked up her sweater and spread to the rest of her body. It was a burning freeze that deadened her senses, licking at the edges of every good memory and experience, ready to suck them out of her, draining her like a glass of wine and leaving her empty. Empty and waiting to be filled.

            She thrashed against the sensation, her limbs moving in slow motion. One hand traveled to the pendant under her sweater, clutching it tightly. Her damnation and salvation at once. It would hold her off for a bit longer, perhaps. But how long? She was already in debt…

            She could hear the voice calling her name, like a deathly chant, ensnaring her. “Vivi…. Vivi…”
            “No!” She shouted. “Get away you buck-toothed fleabag, I won’t!”

            “Vivi!” The voice was louder.

            “Get away! Just get away!” She shrieked, clawing at the figure.


            She jerked awake, her hands caught in a warm, firm grip. A skull peered worriedly down at her. “Vivi wake up!”

            “Lew…” She caught her breath, swallowing tears of relief. “Just you.”

            “Since when do you have nightmares?” Lewis released her wrists, brushing her hair out of her face.

            She gave a short laugh. “Eh, everyone has nightmares every now and then, Lew. Guess it was just my turn, yeah?” She stretched a little, curling one arm around him. “Guess I dozed off.”

            “Dozed off quite a b-bit.” Arthur called from the kitchen. “G-good morning.”

            “Morning? Did I really just fall asleep here?”

            “Mhmm.” Lewis hugged her tightly. “I don’t think anyone minded.”

            “Especially you, huh?” She grinned, nuzzling his face. “Well I probably gotta get home and shower. Then maybe we can see what’s haunting lately, it’s been too long since we did a proper bust together.”

            “You can just shower h-here y’know. Save you coming back later. Plus there’s cold leftovers for breakfast!”

            “There’s some leftover?” She gasped mockingly. “Arthur, are you feeling okay?”

            “Sh-shut up.” He grinned, poking his head around the corner.

            “I could go get you a change of clothes.” Lewis offered. At Vivi’s smirk, he protested, “N-not that I would be going through your clothes, just getting you a new set.”

            “Of?” She prodded.

            “Skirt, shirt…. Um…” his hair flared in embarrassment. “Um… Other… things you need.”

            Vivi rolled her eyes. “Fine. That’ll work. Squire, any quirks to that shower?”

            “Nope, normal shower. Towels on the floor.”

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