The Letter

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Dear Ginny,

            It’s kind of weird writing this, but Vivi’s pretty smart and usually knows what she’s talking about. I guess I wanted to do this now, since we’re all moving tomorrow, and some things are easier to make your mind let go of if you leave them behind physically too. Or something.

            It’s gonna be a little weird with Callie around, haven’t ever had a new addition to the group before. It’s always been Vivi, me, Lew, Mystery. And Mystery isn’t really thrilled with the situation, I’m gonna have to figure out how to get those two to co-exist. Callie’s a little stuck up sometimes, and she and Mystery are already drawing battle lines over who gets to teach me swordsmanship and who gets to teach Vivi about her books. Isn’t that cool? Vivi wants to follow in the footsteps of her great-great-great-great(etc) Aunt, Morgan LeFay, now that she doesn’t have to worry about Morgause anymore.

            We’ve been talking a lot with Uncle Lance. He’ll put us up for a couple of months ‘til we can find a place. He only really knows about me and Mystery and Vivi coming though. There’s not really gonna be any getting around Callie and Lewis, I’m just gonna have to explain and hope he doesn’t short circuit.

            Finances are gonna be tight for awhile too, so we’ll find a small house together once we have a decent deposit fund going. Lew seems to be getting over his shyness, probably revisiting some old memories, and he’s moved care of his locket over to Vivi. It’s probably for the best. I’ve already got a sword and a kitsune to look after.

            Look at me. I still can’t write what this letter’s really supposed to be about. Guess I still have to work on that whole side of me. Gotta be better at facing things. Starting by not writing everything except what this letter is about.

            I don’t know what you really would have been like, Ginny. I know what I imagined you like. You’re smart and funny and sweet like Vivi, but any kid that sticks their nose up at you would get some awful bloody nose ‘cause Lewis would make sure you knew how to stand up for yourself. Me… I’d take you into the shop. Show you how to build things, anything you want. If I didn’t know how, I’d figure it out so we could make it together. Maybe Callie would let me teach you how to hold her, I mean, if you were my kid she can’t complain right? And Mystery would just love you, I’m sure of it.

            I’m sorry.

            It’s stupid to say something like I’m sorry you can’t exist, but I am. Cause for a second I saw you, and that made it worse. Maybe it’s not so bad for you. I don’t know how it works, not-ever-having-existed-except-in-potential-futures. But wherever you are, if you’re anywhere, I hope you’re happy and never ever scared.

            Goodbye Ginny.






Note: Ok, end of Worse Than Death. At this point I’m going to try and wait for more information on the mysterious profile before releasing the next story, so in the meantime I’m going to start a collection of drabbles related to this set of stories to tide me over. I’m not sure what I will call the drabble-set or the third story, so just look for Thicker Than Water tales in the description. Thanks for the reads guys, this is a blast!

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