The Castle Ruins

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Note: Something I forgot to say for the last several chapters, if you want to know what my headcannon is for Mystery’s voice, well… Youtube “Jervis Cottonbelly CHIKARA”. And enjoy your belly laughs now whenever Mystery talks.


            Being carried in Mystery’s mouth was worse than the plane, Arthur decided firmly. No buckle, no illusion that everything is stable, no floor. Just being whisked along several feet above ground like a ragdoll and ending up on the other end wheezing, shaking, and slobbered on.

            But then he felt Mystery come to a stop, and set him down, and hold him. Most of his body was covered by the furball, and he could feel every part of himself in the warmth and pressure of Mystery’s face, and his mind understood he was alive and whole and safe. And the horror began to fade.

            He breathed in and out, feeling his lungs expand to the breaking point before releasing the air slowly, repeating this over and over until his muscles unclenched. He wiggled an arm free, patting Mystery’s face gently. “I’m o-okay. Where a-a-are we?”

            Mystery raised his head. “I wasn’t positive from the images online, as I said it has been a long time, but this is the place.” His voice was wistful, and he stood slowly. Arthur used the Kitsune’s front leg to pull himself up and glanced around.

            It was obvious this was a once grand location. One or two towers still stood, precarious stacks of stone that resembled somebody’s abandoned game of Jenga with great, gaping holes and missing segments that made it appear on the verge of falling apart at the next strong breeze. Broken down walls outlined great halls and stone courtyards from ages past, and all about were strewn massive hewn stones.

            Arthur glanced up at Mystery. “You okay b-buddy?”

            “I’ll be fine.” Mystery’s tails swished, and he padded up into the stone courtyard, Arthur close on his heels. Mystery’s head swung around, his nose pointing to a darkened corner. He sniffed briefly, then barked a short laugh.


            “Banshee.” Mystery sniggered, padding forward. “It’s horribly confused by you three and doesn’t know what to do.”

            Lewis chuckled darkly in Arthur’s mind, and Arthur smiled, waving at the corner in pity as they walked on. On past metal scraps and tattered shreds of cloth from some ancient rug, barely visible due to rust and Dirt. On over the weedchoked flagstones. On past crumbling pillars depicting glorious battles and heroic escapades.

            “S-so, anybody around to ask stuff?” Arthur looked around, a little awed.

            “I smell someone, but they keep darting off.” Mystery eyed Arthur dubiously. “Lewis can you keep an eye on him if I go catch the ghost?”

            “We’ll be fine.” Arthur’s palms glowed with purple flame. “And where do you have Vivi?”

            Mystery turned toward him, and Arthur could see the locket looped tightly around Mystery’s collar. “Safe. Stay safe yourselves, I will return.” He bounded off, tails flying behind him.

            Arthur walked over to what could have once been a fountain, or a shallow well of some sort, and sat on the lip, looking around. “So, all this used to be in the family?” He mused. “N-never would’a guessed. Don’t s’pose th-they’d let me have it now, p-probably some historical preserve.”

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