Lineage of Sorrow

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Note: Someone send help I can’t stop again. No, I mean, I can’t stop again. What’s sleep? I’m forgetting to eat. Is that my sister? Do I have sisters? What’s my real name?


            Vivi didn’t make a sound as Lewis brought her into Arthur’s room, kicking aside piles of clothes in disgust. He set her in the chair first, mumbling something about the sheets probably not having been washed in ages, and proceeded to change all the sheets and bedcovers. A smile tugged lightly at her mouth. Poor Lew, even in death he couldn’t stand Arthur’s messes. But then, would he still be Lewis if he could?

            Once the bed was made, Lewis picked her up, setting her under the covers and tucking her in carefully. He made as if to sit on the edge of the bed, but she grabbed his sleeve, pulling him down. “Lew, would you hold me? Please.” She hated how pitiful she sounded, but everything was falling apart, and she couldn’t help herself.

            Lewis slipped under the covers with her, drawing her into his arms and tucking her head under his bony chin. She nestled in his arms, twining her legs with his and feeling the gentle heat radiate from his form. She caught a whiff of hot peppers and laughed a little. “You still smell like hot peppers all the time, you know that?” She giggled, the laugh expanding out louder and louder until it imploded on itself, collapsing into an outburst of sobs. Lewis said nothing, holding her tightly, allowing the storm to spend itself.

            When she recollected herself, she wiped her nose on her sleeve, sniffling. “Lew, I don’t want you to see it when it happens.”

            Lewis said nothing, and gave no indication that he’d heard her.

            “I mean it Lewis. It’s going to be hard enough as it is. I don’t want you to see her take me. Please, can you do that?”

            Again, Lewis refused to answer.

            Vivi closed her eyes. She wouldn’t be able to budge him. He’d probably already made up his mind. She pushed one of his arms away, finding his hand and slipping something into it. He lifted his hand, looking to see the locket in it. “Please hold onto it for me. In case anything changes, if it’s possible that I can get my body back… I’ll be in there. Will you keep it safe, Lew?”

            Lewis let go of Vivi only long enough to tuck the locket tenderly into the breast pocket of his suit before embracing her fiercely.

            “I’m sorry.” She mumbled, her apology muffled by his suit. “I’m so sorry.”

            Lewis stroked her hair, silent in his grief.

            “Can you sing to me Lew?” She asked, closing her eyes. “I miss hearing you sing.”

            Lewis let out a small aching sound, closing his eyes. Deadbeats slowly slipped out of his chest cavity, circling overhead sadly, humming a melancholy tune as a tender voice resonated from his chest into her head.

            There is a castle on the clouds

            I like to go there in my sleep

            Aren’t any floors for me to sweep

            Not in my castle on the cloud…


Excerpts from the writings of Mordred

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