The Talk Continues

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            Arthur snorted out of a half-sleep, blinking up at the ceiling. Glancing down, he saw Mystery curled up on his chest. The dog was asleep, and emitting a soft glow. He’d often woken to this sight now. He suspected Mystery was doing whatever he could to speed the healing process for his soul.

            “Hey Arthur.”

            Arthur glanced over. Lewis was propped up against the couch, Vivi fast asleep in his arms, mouth open, arms thrown wild. Lewis was carefully folding her arms back.

            “Oh man, I fell asleep. She did too, sorry Lew. What time is it?”

            He shrugged carefully. “Does it really matter?”

            “Guess not.” Arthur rubbed Mystery’s head, gently enough not to wake him. “You called me?”

            “Yeah. Saw you were awake.” Lewis was running his hand through Vivi’s hair, staring down at her. “I was thinking about a few things this week. I mean, I figured it would be good to give you some time to recover. But I had a question or two. About some of the things I’ve seen in your mind.”

            Arthur blinked. “Lew, how can you have any questions? I mean… you saw everything.”

            “I’ve seen your strongest memories and your feelings connected to them,” Lewis affirmed, “But I’m still confused about something. The one that kept coming up, and you even said it at my grave. How in addition to seeing Vivi and I were together, you felt shut out. Because I didn’t talk to you about my family.” He tilted his head slightly. “I don’t see what that has to do with anything.”

            Arthur looked back to Mystery, sighing. “Seems s-stupid now. It’s just… I saw the way you two would look at each other sometimes. You’d get tense over something, and she’d slip her hand into yours, and I’d see you two look at each other and you’d relax. I knew she knew things I didn’t then. And it didn’t feel good. I mean… I figured we were best friends. But you never told me… I mean, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure some things out. You’ve got a temper I never wanted to get on the wrong side of, and you shut down anytime I mentioned…” He glanced sideways at Lewis. “…well…"

            “My family.” Lewi’s voice had an edge to it, and his hair glowed, flickering at the edges.

            “Please don’t s-set my house on fire, I don’t have the ins-surance.” Arthur said, only half-joking.

            “You’re correct in your assumption.” Lewis’ voice was quiet. “I brought more bruises to show and tell than anything else, but nobody ever did anything about it. More people owed my Dad favors than they cared to clash with, and my Mom knew everyone’s secrets. Blackmail kept them in enough cash to get wasted every day.” His hair flared with a dark undertone. “Learned to keep my head down. Toughen up. Eventually I couldn’t even feel it anymore. My brother couldn’t take it though. Killed himself by 10. I was 13 then, and I kinda snapped. I…” He looked down at Vivi. “…maybe part of it was, I didn’t want you to be scared of me, Arthur.” He chuckled darkly. “Look how well that worked out. It took me ages to tell her…”

            Arthur kept silent, afraid to derail Lewis’ story.

            “I didn’t just mean they’re dead to me in the figurative sense, Arthur.” Lewis finally stated. “My hands are no cleaner than yours, except I actually meant to do it.”

            Arthur took in a deep breath, releasing it slowly.

            “Then I cleaned up, packed up, and ran. At that point, they even had dirt on the police, so they were more than happy to sweep the ‘unsolved deaths’ under the rug. Nobody bothered to look. I just took myself to another city, another school. Slept under bridges for a few months until I managed to scrounge enough from begging and odd jobs to rent the rattiest place you’ve ever seen. But it was clean and warm. And I just kept going, working my way into more pay, better jobs. Learning all I could.” He fingered his tie lightly. “I couldn’t stand looking like a slob. Everyone made fun of me in my ragged clothes. So I got better ones.”

            “All the time, dressed to the nines.” Arthur shook his head. “I wondered about that.”

            “I saw what those guys were doing to you at school.” Lewis’ voice held a dangerous timbre. “You called it ruining your science project when you spoke to my grave. That is a generous description.”

            Arthur averted his eyes. “Yeah. I know. I was used to it though.”

            “I’m glad I didn’t snap that day. I think I would have scared you off.”

            “Probably. You snapped when you heard they pulled the same crap with Vivi though.”

            “I saw red, and then they were on the ground crying.”

            “The bar fight?”

            “Same. You’re my family, Arthur.” His hair settled back into its pompadour shape. “Nobody hurts my family if I can help it.”

            Arthur blinked, shocked. “F…f….”

            “You’re stuttering, not me. I know what I said. They wouldn’t have cared if I died. They didn’t bury me. They wouldn’t have thought twice if they’d dropped me from a cliff, on purpose at that.” He brushed a stray curl out of Vivi’s face, returning her restless arm back again. “This is my family.”

            Arthur gingerly moved an arm over, resting his hand on Lewis’ shoulder. “We’ve all got stuff we’re not proud of, I think.”

            “Yeah.” Lewis turned his head, eyeing Mystery out of the corner of his eye. “I noticed.”

            Arthur smacked his forehead. Of course. Lewis had been helping him function most of the week, of course he would have seen the conversation with Mystery replaying in his head.

            “You trust him Arthur?”

            “With my life.” Arthur replied without hesitation.

            “Good enough for me. We all have stuff we’re not proud of.” He chuckled lightly as Vivi’s arm rolled away again. “Well, maybe not her.”

            Arthur snickered. “Yeah, the only thing she’s got to feel bad about is how many times she’s called me names. And maybe not e-even that.”

            Lewis patiently recalled her arm to her side. “We really need to get some recordings of her going off on you.”

            “Or you! I can’t w-wait to hear the new ones she’s got for you.” Arthur teased.

            “I’m sure she’s got plenty.” There was a tender warmth in his tone.

            “You know I’m happy for you, right Lew?” Arthur asked quietly.

            “Yeah. I also know you’re still a little jealous.”

            Arthur looked down, sighing. “Hard not to be. You picked a winner. But she loves you, and I’m okay with that. I just have to sort things out for a bit. Think you can be patient with me doing that?”

            “Well since you can’t kill me again, I guess so.” Lewis paused. “That came out wrong.”

            “I g-got what you meant.”

            Lewis turned his head again, his eyes crinkling upward in what Arthur took to be a smile. “I’m glad I’m not trying to kill you anymore.”

            “M-me too.” Arthur grinned, holding out a fist. Lewis bumped his knuckles briefly, before the two lapsed back into silence. Outside, a cloaked figure stood on the sidewalk, her fingers weaving in the air, and a low, gutteral chant coming out of her mouth.


Note: Okay let’s get moving with the plot—oh, you boys want to talk some more, well…ok I guess… fine. *sulks* Oh hey look I found a way to drag that title back again... *cough*

Worse Than DeathOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora