As The World Burns

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Note: Before you form a lynch mob, I would like to (from my secure bunker somewhere in Switzerland) direct your attention to the fact that Arthur died too way back in Best Served Cold…


            Arthur could pinpoint the second Vivi was evicted. Her eyes lost focus for half a second, then her pupils swelled, overtaking her irises until he was staring into twin black pools. Her mouth opened in a shattering wail, and her hands darted forward, making a strange motion in front of her, as if she was tearing something, before she dropped them to her sides, a chilling smile on her face. She wiped the tear trails off her face, remarking, “That was for making me wait so long.”

            Morgause spun around to Lewis, extending a hand and uttering a gravelly sounding set of syllables. A thin film of blue left her hand, encompassing the ghost entirely. He knelt there, frozen, unable to move, his eyes staring at the woman in front of him.

            “Save your rage. I’ve business here first.” She turned back to Arthur, the same chilling grin on her face.

            Arthur closed his eyes, taking a moment to brace himself and assess the situation.

            Vivi is gone.

            Lewis can’t help me.

            Mystery can’t move.

            What would Vivi do right now?

            Stall. Stay alive. Keep everyone alive. Pretty basic…

            But Vivi’s gone--not now. Think about that later. She put her worries off til later, I can do it. I can do this, Vivi.

            He opened his eyes, matching Morgause’s stare. Unexpectedly, he felt something harden inside of him as a cold thought formed.

            She just killed Vivi. One of my best friends is gone.

            The anger lent him a small degree of brazenness. “So, you wanted to talk? Or are you just g-going to stare all night?”

            She shook her head side to side, slowly. “You’re quite right, son of Uther. Arsenic and strychnine are far too simple. There are better ways. Personally, my favorite moment was usurping your throne.”

            Arthur’s eyes were hard. “I think y-you’re mistaking me for someone else, Morgause.”

            “Hardly.” She scoffed. “You are no different from your ancestor, as Vivi is no different from me. The sons become their fathers, and the daughters become their mothers. It is the way of the world."

            “You’re wrong. Vivi was nothing like you.”

            “There is no Vivi in this line.” Her eyes flashed. “There is no Phoebe either. None of them are real, none of them ever were. There is only Morgause, until the line of Arthur ends.”

            “And how do you plan on tha-at?” Arthur tilted his head, affecting more confidence than he felt. Anger could only take him so far, and he began to feel fear creeping in around the edges

            “The only sensible way to do anything. Usurp your line entirely.”

            Arthur opened his mouth to ask what she meant, when the doorbell rang. He blinked, and for a moment even Morgause looked startled.

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