A Word from the Sister

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Note: Sorry for the extra alert, I wasn’t satisfied with the chapter when I posted it under sleep deprivation and wanted to tweak it. I’m… slightly more satisfied…


            “I’ve heard more than enough.” Lewis sighed, shaking his head. “Viv, I think we should head off, we can discuss our findings on the way to getting pizza.”

            Vivi turned her head slightly, forcing a smile. “Well we’re spending the money anyway, so I’m gonna stick around for the free service. Meet you guys at the pizza place later?”

            Mystery had finally broken eye contact with whatever relic he’d been watching and now stared oddly at her. He took a step toward her, but winced, yelping.

            “Besides, you promised Mystery some pain meds.” Vivi reminded Arthur.

            “Pain medication won’t help a creature like him.” Madame rose from her seat, turning to rifle through a drawer. She pulled out a small pouch and handed it to Arthur. “Consider it part of your tea reading. Brew this like the tea, and you.” She called Mystery to attention sternly. “Drink it. I don’t care if you don’t like it, it’ll ease the pain where the medication won’t.”

            Mystery eyed her warily but inclined his head a touch.

            “Sure you d-don’t want someone to stay with you Vivi? We can w-wait on pizza.” Arthur offered.

            “You kidding Squire? I can hear your gut rumbling a mile away, shoo.” She made a motion with her hands. “I’ll be along in a car later.”

            Lewis shot her an odd look, but bent to pick up the equipment. He paused. “Aw man, it was unplugged the whole time.”

            “Oh, so sorry you were having trouble with your equipment. No rewarding spikes in psychic activity to record it seems.” LePomfrey pursed her lips sympathetically. “Maybe next time be sure it’s actually plugged in, but do forgive me, you are the professionals after all.”

            Lewis shot her a glare before lifting the equipment and aiming for the door. Arthur picked up Mystery to save strain on his leg, and followed more slowly.

            Once the door swung shut, Vivi turned to Madame, peeling off her other glove and laying her hand out flat in front of the woman. “So you know.” She said lowly. “You’re not a fake at all.”

            “Madame LePomfrey gives what Madame LePomfrey gets. I give you a true beginning, but mock me and the rest I pull straight from my rear.” She quirked her mouth. “Your ghostly friend got the second part of his reading from the rear.”

            “And mine was from the rear too, but that was just cover, wasn’t it?”

            “Observant,” LePomfrey remarked. “You’re in danger, child. Vivi, I believe they called you? I don’t know how you came by that mark, but your time runs short.”

            “How do you know about her mark?” Vivi demanded.

            “I am a scholar of the old tales too, and not all my information comes from dimestore paperbacks. I have a small collection of first-hand accounts and records from that era, and a few have detailed that emblem. I took your hand and felt the heat from one hand to the other. She will press an advantage soon to force your decision. Just as she did your mother.”

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