Chapter Twenty: Led to the Library

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"Where are you Cora?!" Lily cried, as she walked down the hallway.

Then, she spotted Laura.

"Laura, have you found Cora?" Lily asked, looking rather scared.

"No, I haven't. It's so strange, first, Bridget goes to the hospital without telling me or writing to me. Now, Cora disappears." Laura said, all in one breath.

Then suddenly, Cora appeared!

"Strange isn't it? You should look in the library, you might find something." Cora said, and with that, she walked away quickly.

"Wait! Cora, please don't go! I want to apologise!" Lily cried.

It was too late, Cora disappeared out of sight.

There was a long pause.

"Dramatic," Laura said with the side of her mouth.

"Very," Lily replied. The girls laughed till their sides hurt.

"Now there's one only hope." Lily said. "What?" Laura asked.

"Let's go and look in the library!" Lily declared.

So they did.

They ran down to the library.


"It's weird, we're looking for something that we don't know." Laura said.

It was true. In the library, it was very quiet, because it was a Sunday, and on Sundays, most of the workers working in the school would take a break. Including the Librarians.

Then Ashley Mc.Dickson came.

"Hi Ashley. We're in the middle of something very important now," Laura said to Ashley.

"Sorry, but I made a discovery. Bridget is definitely not in the town hospital." Ashley said, grimly.

Lily and Laura gasped.

"What are you talking about?" Laura asked. "Miss Carine said she sprained her wrist and went to the hospital!"

"Firstly, I've never seen Bridget spraining her wrist. Secondly, one girl from the second form sprained her wrist, and Nurse Alice handled the problem all by herself. Thirdly, I never saw a car or an ambulance come to Robinson Hills." Ashley said.

"You have a very good point Ashley." Lily said.

"Now, will you please make up with Petunia?" Laura said.

Then when she saw Ashley's doubtful face, she added, "Come on, Ashley, you should always be loyal to your friends. Even if they're mean."

"Okay, I guess." Ashley replied.

"Ashley, thank you for the information." Lily said, gently. "You know, Petunia may seem bad, but she's probably just wanting some friends."

"Okay, I'll try to make it up to her." Ashley said.

"Thank you Ashley! You were a real help!" Laura said, hugging Ashley.

"Bye then!"Ashley said, waving her hand.

"Bye Ashley!" Laura and Lily said, waving back.

Once Ashley was gone, the two girls were bursting with questions about Bridget.

Where was she? Was the Principal lying? How would they find her?

"I do miss Bridget so much!" Laura said.

"Me too. Where do you think she could be?"Lily said.

"Oh, look Lily! Remember this magical history textbook? Time passes so fast." Laura exclaimed, holding up the textbook that she and her friends had looked for in this very library at midnight so many weeks ago.

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