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Five Hargreeves looked down at the note in his hand with a sense of trepidation.

Her lingering words replayed within his head like stuck on a broken record to torture him; 'you'll regret this later on.'

The minute she had turned the gun on the Handler instead of him, he knew. And he knew, also, that he should not have doubted her in the first place when she had been nothing but kind to him.

But old habits die hard and Five Hargreeves was not a person who easily trusted anyone, let alone his own family. But he had trusted her before despite everything. And he had done so with the childish want for it to mean something in spite of all he knew.

So when the Handler brought up her supposed betrayal it had struck something within him, plucked at his buried deep fears and insecurities and twisted them.

He should have listened to her. 

His siblings were in a slight state of calm for once. They had seemingly stopped the apocalypse, but he seemed the only one believing it had been too easy.

A strange sense of loss fell over him as he reread the rushed yet neat handwriting, wondering where she was now.

He knew she might know for certain, but she wasn't here.

He'd seen her fight before, he'd known her long enough to know that she could definitely handle herself. That's what he kept trying to tell himself, anyways. Maybe it was guilt for not believing her, for being a heartless bastard as he now admitted he had been. He didn't know what to do with himself yet found a strange urge to go look for her.

Where would he even start? He had no clue where she had gone, if she was even still alive - his blind trust in her abilities was the only thing he had to go off of.

She'd been keeping under the commissions radar for years, she would be fine.

Or maybe thats what he'd continue telling himself to stamp out the crushing guilt and shame he felt for not believing in her. For doubting her.

 Prophet - Five Hargreeves X oc UMBRELLA ACADEMYWhere stories live. Discover now