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White light blinded her, a dark figure in the centre of her vision.

The ticking of a clock reverberated through her skull, followed by lilting violin music.

She looked down at the paper in her hands and scanned the orchestra notice on the front page; Vanya. Her heart picked up speed and she chewed her lip in thought.

A wave of nausia came over her and she slapped her hand over her mouth, getting a few odd stares from the other people sitting around the tiny cafe.

Blue lights flickered in her vision, and like reels of film she watched The Hargreeves siblings all holding hands, Five at the centre.

A second passed and she was back in the cafe, her coffee now cold in front of her, newspaper clenched so tightly in her hand that her nails tore through a page.

She let out a breath and released it, slowly coming back to her senses.

She racked her brain endlessly, head down. The jacket she wore swamped her frame but gave her an odd sense of comfort.

She felt sick. Her injuries were sore and all of her muscles ached - she'd certainly pulled a few dangling and dropping from that window.

Which brought her back to the current issue - the world was supposed to end.


Five didn't trust her and she had no idea where he was, but it was obvious he would use his powers to take everyone back.

A selfish, childish thought crossed her mind - Would he take her too? She wondered with heartache.

Maybe if things had turned out different. But could they have? Sometimes her visions were events fixed in place no matter what led up to it, some were able to be altered.

The bitter burden of her cursed abilities was a heavy one to carry.

The vision stuck fresh in her brain as she tapped her foot rapidly in thought.

She was running out of time.

Judging by the vision there was a high chance they failed at saving the world, meaning everyone died in around eight hours still, including her.

Anneli wasn't planning on dying, not after everything.

She rushed out of the secluded booth quickly, ducking through customers and weaving around tables to get outside.

Her legs carried her across town, her head down. She hailed a taxi after realising it would be more difficult to spot her in a vehicle. Walking around in plain sight made her a target and she wasn't going to the efforts to dye her natural hair just for the next eight hours.

Funny, though, because it was her attackers beacon as well. They were at a strange stalemate.

She stopped the taxi half a street down from her desired location and after handing over money (she most definitely hadn't stolen,) she ran down the road.

Her eyes ran down the street until she saw yellow caution tape and faltered. Cop cars surrounded the area. Debris, broken glass, wood and furniture covered in brick sat where the umbrella academy once had stood.

It was as though the building had been levelled, and the neighbours were standing out in the street, talking to authorities or just staring at the destruction in shock.

The door next to the broken academy opened slightly and at the sight of familiar silver-grey hair pulled into a neat bun, Anneli backed away and hid behind a car.

 Prophet - Five Hargreeves X oc UMBRELLA ACADEMYWhere stories live. Discover now