28- Gas station sandwich

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Fallon POV Flashback:

The bell rang breaking me out of my almost nap. I sighed and quickly gathered my books into my ratty backpack before dragging myself down the crowded hallway. It was the end of the day which was usually my favorite part of the day.

My favorite part of the day was my walk home alone. It was about a 15 minute walk, I always took the long way through the nice part of town. I would walk slowly by the big houses with nice manicured lawns and pretty flowers blooming around the doorsteps.

I would daydream about walking into one of them where my mom would be waiting with an after school snack and a happy smile would be on her healthy face. I would sit in the kitchen doing my homework while she cooked a nice dinner and then my dad would come home and greet us both with love. Maybe we would have a dog, maybe we would have family game nights or dinner parties with other people. I would feel happy and never hurt.

My favorite part of the day was followed by my least favorite part of the day, arriving home. Today I would at least get to postpone a little while because I had detention, this should have made me happy but it didn't. I knew if my dad found out I would be in for it and with mama at work until midnight I would have to be home in time to cook him dinner.

I walked into the detention room to see a group of senior boys sitting in the back and I instinctively pulled my dark jacket tighter around my body. I could feel my body starting to get anxious. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I was a freshmen, maybe it was because I didn't have any friends to talk to or maybe it was just because they were boys in general.

There was a substitute teacher at the front of the classroom leaned back in a rolling chair, his feet propped on the desk as he sawed logs.

I rolled my eyes walking to the other side of the room and plopped down at a desk far away from the group of boys. I pulled out my red notebook and started doodling away.

I was no artist, I wasn't even good at drawing but it still somewhat helped me escape. I would doodle anything that made me feel something other than anguish. Simple smily faces, flowers, stick figures with hearts for eyes, sometimes just groups of words that seemed pretty together. This little red notebook was filled with everything that wasn't really me. It made me feel something fulfilled.

I tapped my pen against the paper absentmindedly as I thought about sneaking out for a smoke. I hadn't had one since lunch and the noise and laughter in the room was starting to get to me. I turned sneaking a glance over at the group of boys.

'J' as his friends called him was perched on a desk recounting a story about some girl he had fucked last weekend. There wasn't many girls in the school he hadn't fucked at this point. I didn't even know the guy but I knew that. Another short blonde guy Adam, I think, was listening to his play by play intently and doing everything but moaning out loud.

I looked to the desk behind him to see Daryl Dixon. His eyes were on J but I could tell he wasn't listening. He looked deep in thought about something else. Almost as if he could feel my eyes on him he glanced up at me. I turned away quickly putting my head down trying to engross myself in my drawing.

The room was suddenly silent and I looked up to see all three of the boys staring at me.

"What's a sweet little thing like you doing in detention anyway, Princess?" J broke the silence.

I rolled my eyes. Here we go. "I told someone to fuck off!" I stared at him letting the last two words roll off of my tongue slowly so he knew they were meant for him.

He laughed like it was the cutest thing he'd ever seen.

I rolled my eyes turning back to my notebook in front of trying to hold my tongue. The squeak of sneakers on the linoleum floor caught my attention.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2020 ⏰

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