Hunting down

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Ellie's P.O.V

Valentina and I made it inside the aquarium through a broken window and at the moment we are crawling through a vent.

"Shit." Valentina said before she fell down.
"Oh no."
"Jesus." She said.

A dog comes barking and growling at Valentina.
"Fuck!" She screamed.

The dog tried to bite her face but Valentina held it by the throat. I jumped down about to help her when she jabbed a knife by it's side and again.

"Shit." Valentina got up.
"Stupid dog." I said putting my gun away.
"Hey don't say that. It's just a dog Ellie."

We keep walking and find ourselves in a room where it looks like it was used for an operation or something.

"God. What happened here?" I ask.
"I don't wanna know." Valentina says touching the cloth with blood.

We keep running until we see a door with a crab on it. We hear muffled voices.

"Ready?" Valentina asks me.
"Yeah." I reply.

"That engine's fast enough, we can beat her there." A man says.

I open the door slowly.

"People don't come back from that island!" A woman yells.
"How many times has Abby risked her life for you?"
"She chose this. I'm not fucking going there."
"Then don't! Go back."
"Fuck you Owen." The woman said before turning around.
"Hands up. Where's Abby?" I say aiming my gun at them both.
"You're that girl from Jackson." The man says.
"Tell me where she went."
"How do we know you won't kill us?" The woman asks.
"You give her what she wants and we're both dead." He said.
"You guys can survive this. I just need her." I tell them.
"Bullshit." The man says.

I signal Valentina to come out of hiding. She steps next to me and takes out a map.
"You. Come here." I say pointing my gun at the woman.

"Fucking get over here!" I yell at her.

"Point to where she is on this map." She gets closer.

"And then you." I look at the man.

"It better fucking match up."
"Okay.." The woman says.
"What are you doing?" The man questions her.
"She's probably dead anyway."
"It is not worth it." The man gets closer.
"Stop!" I yell at him.
"We can talk-"
"Back the fuck up!" I point my gun at his head.

"Point to where she is." I tell the woman.

"Fucking point!" I aim my gun at her.

The man tries to tackle me. He grabs my gun and draws it down. I punch him in the face making him fall back a bit. I then shoot at the side of his stomach.
"Owen!" The woman yells.

She takes her knife out and aims for my throat. I hold her hand back. We struggle and she slams me against something. I lean over it while she tries to dig the knife in me. Valentina yells and punches her face making her get off me. She falls back and I jump on her. I dig her knife in her throat. She gasps and tries to put pressure on her wound. I get my gun and hear the man struggle.
"She.." He says.

I walk to him aiming my gun at him. Valentina crouches down to his level.

"Tell us where Abby is." Valentina says.
"She's.." He barley says.
"Where the fuck is she." I put my gun against his neck.
"She's.. Pre.." He says closing his eyes.

I widen my eyes and walk to the woman laying on the ground now dead.

"No no no." I say.

Valentina walks behind me. I turn her over and open her jacket. There I see a baby bump. Valentina covers her mouth with her hand. My breathing speeds up.

"Oh fuck." I say putting a hand on my stomach.
"Ellie.." Valentina walks to me.
"Oh fuck!" I yell getting closer to the ground.

I start coughing and gagging. Breathing heavily.

"Ellie get up!" I hear Valentina in the background.

"Guys!" I hear a male voice.

I get up and aim my gun at them.
"Woah woah woah. Hey.." I see Tommy.
"You okay Ellie?" Valentina asks me.
"I'm sorry." I whisper.
"It's alright." He says.
"Come on let's go." Jesse says.

Valentina runs to him and hugs him. Jesse hugs her back.
"Hey Val." He says kissing her forehead."
"I missed you." She says.
"Let's go." Tommy helps me walk along.

I'm still panting. I look back at the pregnant woman.

"It's alright." Tommy says turning me around.

That woman reminded me of Dina. I hope she's alright. I look at Jesse and Valentina holding hands. I look at Tommy and he smiles at me. I just killed two people in one. I killed a baby.

Again please vote and tell me what you think!

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