5. A Truthful Interrogation

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 I knew that I was in a nightmare. But It was still horrifying. I was in Tartarus again. But Annabeth wasn't there. I looked around to find her. When I did, Bob, and the rest of the 7 were all chained up and in his clutches. They looked battered and in pain. Annabeth had a pleading look in her eyes, begging for help. But I couldn't. I can't reach them. I felt hands on my legs and looked back, staring into the eyes of the Arai. They were smiling menacingly, and I fell into excruciating pain, the pain I caused on the monsters I met until now. I was on the floor screaming, The laughter of Gaea erupting in the background while I lay as Tartarus began cutting into Annabeth's skin little by little....

 "NO!!!" I screamed, bolting right up. I felt dizzy of the sudden awakening so I stumbled back to sit on the soft bed. Holding my head with the palm of my hands, I looked around. It was a white room, a small one too, and a sheet of dark glass covered one side of the wall, facing me. There was a chair, but nothing else except the bed I was sitting on. No windows, no doors, nothing. If so, how did I even get in here? 

 I began tapping my fingers on the side of the bed. I was ADHD, so I was getting bored by the minute. I began humming a tune too, a camp fire song from the singalongs back at camp. I looked at my surroundings. I couldn't see any cameras. Either the cameras were small enough to hide themselves from me, or these people had a different way on looking into the cell. I stood up, walking over to the glass, and gently pushed it with my hand. I knocked on the surface, and it seemed to be hollow. 

"Huh," I thought aloud.

 This can't just be an ordinary wall. It can't. I started to think. Oh, Annabeth is going to be so pleased with this. 

 I saw a movie once with Mom and Rin back home...Yeah, I remember it was scary so we-STOP. Anyway, it was this movie that was about some kind of murder issue...black glass... visible from the outside... Oh, I can see my reflection in this thing, still looking awesome and- NO. Right, some sort of glass thing used in interrogation rooms and stuff.... visible from the outside, but darkish looking from the inside! Yeah! I am sooo awesome.

 I waved at the glass. Just to let them know that I figured out their little trick.

 Now, I had to get out of this place. Fast. 

 I was thinking about vapor travel, but I'm kind of learning, so if I land a little unsteady, I may burst into little droplets of water, which was definitely not going to be less painful than being chopped into pieces. That meant vapor travel was not an option.

 Now what do I do..... I was bouncing my legs up and down so vigorously that my whole body was vibrating. Right then, the black glass started to turn transparent.



 I was going cuckoo. And I was a cuckoo. Literally. It had been hours since Percy disappeared off the streets while going out to buy blue food coloring. Annabeth was getting really worried, and Rin was at her side comforting her. I don't think it was working though, since Rin should be about as concerned on the matter as Annabeth. Percy was her brother. 

 We decided it will be better to take turns searching for him. I mean we can't all go out, it'll probably attract all the monsters in a 5 mile radius. Annabeth was sure that Percy was taken by those weird cosplay people they met on the beach, but nobody knew who they were. 

 I thought it'll be better to be in bird form so that I won't be noticed even if some kind of monster were to sense me. For now, the only thing I could possibly figure out was that Percy had been kidnapped by a man with a foul smell, or maybe in foul  stuff at an alleyway. Then, it seemed like some kind of transportation pulled up, and I couldn't find the car in any sort of way. 

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