6. Persassy wants to go Kronos on Pirate Dude

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 Stories of Perseus Jackson was always a hot issue in Asgard. Every time I came back home from Midgard, stories about his and the seven's adventures were buzzing in the crowds.

 Which meant, that I was over joyed when I first realized that we would be looking for Perseus. Then, I was terrified at the fact that we were looking for him to detain him. I knew that Perseus would not be pleased, and I did not want to get on his bad side. So I went to visit Jane who was currently in England. For about a week. When I got back, I was dumbstruck at the sight of Perseus Jackson in an interrogation room, annoying the hell out of Rogers and Barton.

 "Mr Flag, so, where's your patriotic plate?"

 "It is certainly not a patriotic plate, it's a shield. Now, tell me, what did you do in Greece and Italy?"

 "Told you, I was on a trip with my friends!"

 "There weren't any records of you on planes or ships, and you were everywhere!"

 "We......Uh....road traveled!"

 "It would've taken you days, and it wasn't even an hour when you appeared in a totally different region!"

 "Fine, we flew."


 Rogers probably was sympathetic, but it seemed that he was up to his limit. Romanoff was listening into the conversation, and spoke into the mike. "It's not a lie."

 She looked frustrated. At least as frustrated as she could be. Clint was nearly slipping off of his chair when he finally announced that he had had enough. Clint and Rogers agreed on a quick break.

They staggered out of the container, clearly depressed, and slumped on the chairs right after they closed the door. 

 "We had no lead to anything! How could that even be possible?" Clint let out.

 "He was speaking the truth.... I wonder how that could be...." Natasha muttered under her breath.

 I watched Perseus, as he  frowning at the glass in his cell. I popped a pop tart into my mouth (I had a bag full of it with me). That's when Fury clapped his hands.

 "Okay, they all may be the truth, but there is a small chance that he's a good liar too," he stated, and raised a hand for Romanoff to stop when she tried to speak up.

 "So, we're going to go a little in to his family and stuff, just to make sure he's not the only one to be a suspected terrorist."

I scoffed. Perseus Jackson and his family, terrorists? I heard a lot about him but also knew that his whole sister helped with the war. 

 Stark got up, and began to check the files of Perseus on his computer, and sent 4 files to the screen. The names read 'Sally Jackson', 'Paul Blofis', 'Carina Jackson', and 'Estelle Blofis'.

The others went close to read too. No photos were on the screen, But I knew what they'd look like. What Carina Jackson would look like, at least.

 Stark was reading through young Carina's files when he whistled.

 "This kid has some records too, huh. And she's only eleven!"

 I went to stand beside him, and read,

Carina Iris Jackson

DOB: June.25

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