at a cookout ~gang hcs~

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•steve and soda having a hugggeeee nerf gun war

•pony reading the whole time getting annoyed by everyone

•darry wearing a "kiss the cook" apron because he has a crush on you

•you refusing to kiss the cook

•johnny trying to help darry grill but is failing miserably

•dally getting drunk as fuCKKK

•twobit throwing tomato slices at the back of people's heads and pretending it wasn't him

•the day ends with you all gathered around the picnic table enjoying each other's company

•but you know nothing is that peaceful with two-bit there

•he started a food fight

•lettuce everywhere

•the end

hey guys!!!! sooooo sorry i haven't updating in literally forever. i am updating right now because i'm stuck in the car. i've been so busy lately with school and marching band and i have a boyfriend now and omg do you know how hard it is to fantasize about seven fictional boys when you have a perfect one sitting right next to you?!?? it's okay, i love you guys and i miss you all. tell me how you're doing!!!

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