A fortunate rain after school (Kozachi x Saki)

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Hello!!! Welcome to my book!!!

I hope you enjoy it, just like how I enjoyed making them.

Feel free to criticize me, since I'm not really a good writer.

Anyways, enjoy!!!

Kozachi's POV

I can't believe that the weather information sector of the news channel lied again. It's pouring so hard out there. I left my umbrella at home because of them.

The lightbulbs of the classroom were the only ones preventing darkness from ruling over. It's very dark outside. The most dominant sound that could be heard was the rain, while the second is the sound of my classmates complaining about the first. I wasn't the only one with no umbrella. It's now time to go home, but the weather suddenly prevented us from doing so.

As I packed all my things into my bag, a crowd began to build up near the window. They were watching something. I did the same thing after I finished what I was doing.

It's easy to spot people downstairs from the 3rd floor. Some were leaving the school already. Others were fortunate ones who brought their umbrellas, while some were brave souls who faced the storm with no protection. I'm starting to guess that a lot of students are going to be absent tomorrow, and the reason would be that they catched a cold.

I sighed and went back to my seat. Sleepiness-due to the cold weather-suddenly enveloped my whole system. I'll sleep and wait for the rain to go away.

I lay my head down on my desk and crossed my arms. I closed my eyes.

I woke up to a loud sound of thunder. What an unusual alarm clock. I looked around and was shocked on what I saw; no one. It was also darker outside. I pulled out my phone and checked the time. It's 8:32 pm. I'm so screwed. From what I remembered a while ago, I realized that the rain was slightly weaker now. How did the others leave? Were they brave or just plain stupid?

I grabbed my bag and stood up. I looked around once more. I saw a figure that was sitting, as it leaned against the wall.

"Who's there?" I immediately asked, which made the figure stand up as well. It looked like it held its bag in in its right hand.

"It's me...Saki." Saki, an introvert girl who doesn't have many friends due to her shyness.

She had hair that was long enough to reach her shoulders. She also had bangs that almost reached her eyes.
Sometimes, when she doesn't want to have an eye contact with a person, she looks down and lets her bangs cover her eyes. We're very much similar.

The only difference is that yes, I'm quiet, but not because I'm shy. I just have a bad habit of having a very cold stare to others, especially when I don't find the topic they're using interesting. I only talk when it's necessary.

I walked up to her with my bag in my hand as well. I stared at her eyes, which surprised me. She didn't break our eye contact. She kept staring back at mine.

"How did the others left?" I tried to ask in my calmest tone.

"They took the risk of having a cold and went home." I sighed.

I can't call either of my parents at the moment since they're both in another country at the moment. I live by myself and I'm used to it.

I broke my gaze with her and looked through the window and observed if we could make it.

"Kozachi..." She suddenly called me, causing me to look at her again. I showed a facial expression that would've looked like I indirectly told her to continue what she was saying.

"Wanna take the risk? Together?"


We now walked down the stairs.

Our pace was swift enough, that we reached the first floor in 5 minutes. We were both scared of ghosts that could've been real.

We now reached the school's main entrance. We both stopped and looked at the battlefield we're about to run into. With both our bags on our back, we slowly walked towards the edge, where the splash of raindrops could reach us. I suddenly sensed that she was looking at me, which made me look back at her. She nodded, which made her bangs shake a little. I nodded too.

"On 3 we both run " I said.

"1." We both prepared to run.

"2." She suddenly held my hand.


"3." She said then started running. My legs did the same. The cool wind hit us as we ran as fast as we could.

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