Review (Misuki x Kakeru)

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Misuki's POV

Everyone sighed as the teacher left the room. Why? He just explained that the exams are going to be held 2 weeks from now.

That just means that we'll be forced to stick our noses into books and notebooks once again.

If we don't, then we'll have a higher chance of failing.

"Where are we going again?" I asked him as soon as he started the engine.

"To Haiji's house, for s group study." I nodded at his answer.

I can be very forgetful at times, especially when I'm sleepy.

We'll hold a group study later, since the quarterly exams will be on next week.

"Who are the others that will join us?"

"Haiji and our band mates, Nerika and Toru." I frowned.

Nerika will be there. The one Kakeru walked home.

I hope she doesn't do anything horrible today.

"Don't worry though, I promise I'll stay away from Nerika."

It's still a mystery on how he can keep reading my mind. Am I just really that readable?

A long dog greeted us as soon as we stepped into Haiji's abode. This dog wasn't very tall either. It also wasn't wide.

It'd be funny if Haiji named it Hotdog.

The pet was very gentle to us. It didn't bark at us or anything. It just went to us and started sniffing away.

I can tell that it's a girl, judging by its attitude.

"Aww, Kiisha likes the both of you." We looked at where the voice was coming from.

It's Haiji walking down the stairs.

"Kiisha, come." His voice was in a high pitched manner as he called his dog.

It's somehow funny and cute at the same time.

The dog now ran to him, struggling to climb up the stairs, since her legs weren't that long.

Haiji then carried the dog in his arms upon reaching the first floor.

"Where are the others?" Kakeru asked, which made Haiji take a glance at his watch.

"Hmm...about--" He was interrupted by the sound of the door opening.

As if on cue, Toru and Nerika entered.

Nerika's eyes and mine met, but she broke our eye contact first.

She's still a little embarrassed for flirting with a guy that already had a girlfriend.

"Well then, let's begin."

After 3 hours of studying together, we all decided to have our lunch here.

Kakeru volunteered to cook. Nerika even tried to help him, but he denied her.

He's sticking to his promise.

Toru and Nerika were out in the garden admiring the flowers that Haiji planted by himself. Kakeru was in the kitchen.

Only Haiji and I were sitting on the couch, watching TV.

"What's the dog breed?" I broke the silence since the repetitive commercial bores me.

"I don't know either. She was just gifted to me. I'd say she's from the hotdog family." His last three words made me burst out in laughs.

That's exactly what I thought a while ago.

I covered my mouth with my hands when I realized I was laughing too loud.

"Can I carry her?" He nodded and slowly passed the dog onto me.

The dog's eyes widened as it looked at me, to Haiji, then me again.

It's as if she's asking "why are you giving me to a stranger?"

She wasn't that heavy. I gently patted her head, with fear that she might bite me. Her ears then stood down, meaning that she wasn't in her alert mode anymore.

Haiji now sat directly next to me as he patted her as well.

"You really like dogs don't you?" I asked.

"No, but I do like hotdogs." I did my best to make laugh softer than it was a while ago.

I wouldn't want my laugh to echo all over the room.

It's just absurd for someone to say such thing, and it's making me crack up real good.

"Lunch is ready." Kakeru's voice made everyone enter the dining room.

He was unusually quiet. Too quiet. It's like he doesn't want me to start a conversation.

I've never seen him become this quiet before.

One of the cons of having an ambivert as your boyfriend. It's hard reading his mood, since he can be very loud, or very quiet.

We were nearing our house when I finally had the courage to speak.

"Are you mad?"

"No." His firm, one word response vanished my courage into thin air.

He's definitely mad.

He walked inside first, his pace quicker than mine. 

I chased him towards our room. He really doesn't want to communicate with me right now.

I held his hand when we now both reached the said room.

Everything else that happened after was too swift.

He pinned me to the wall with his right hand, and the other lifted my  hand so that our eyes met.

His blue, serious eyes were making me speechless.

"K-kakeru..." I can't help but stutter at his actions.

"You're mine, and mine alone. You've made me mad, and I think I need to punish you." I gulped.

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