Safety (Saki x Kozachi)

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Saki's POV

I put my hat on my head before packing all my things. This is my favorite hat now since it's from him.

Complaining about the sun caused him to buy me this hat.

After all my things were in my bag, I then swiftly walked towards him.

"Kozachi." His gaze instantly locked onto mine.

My monotone voice can easily catch his attention.

People were usually weirded out by my tone. Only Kozachi grew to love it, a reason why I love him.

He softly laughed at me.

"Why put the hat when you're still indoors? Excited much?" I nodded.

"We'll go to the mall later okay?" My eyes widened at his words.

I can imagine them shining bright now.

After he packed his things, we left the room.

Murmurs could be heard although out the corridor. I stopped to listen at some, but Kozachi pulled me.

He really doesn't like gossips. He explained that one wrong information can affect a relationship.

He hates lies and that's why I trust him.

He had already softly chopped my head a couple of times when I have lied.

We now entered the mall. The security guard greeted us. We've seen him plenty of times already.

He had seen us together many times now. He thinks we're a couple and we both don't mind.

As we passed by the milk section, something caught my eye.



"I want Ice Cream." He once again let out a soft laugh.

"You'll get fat though."

"I want Ice Cream." I repeated.

"Fine. I'll get you some."

"What are you going to buy?" I asked him. He's now about to leave me alone in the line for the cashier.

There's a lot of people lined up in front of us.

"I'll tell you when we get home. I'll be right back okay?" He said before suddenly kissing my forehead.

"Be quick okay?" He nodded.

I felt my face heat up as he slowly walked away.

I puffed up my cheeks when he was no longer in my sight.

Why does he always kiss my forehead?

He never even kissed my--nevermind. I'll get that someday.

After a minute, I decided to text him. There were only 6 people in front of me now. What if it's my turn? I don't have money.

"Where are you?" is what I texted.

He immediately responded "at the shop."

After one more minute, I texted him the same thing. He also replied with his first.

After five minutes and five texts, I decided to call him.

"Kozachi. Where are you?"

"Behind you." I immediately turned around.

He was standing a feet behind me with his phone near his ear.

I almost punched him in surprise.

He ended the call before we put down our phone.

"Where's the thing you brought?" He's now paying for our groceries.

"I'll tell you once we get home."

We rode a taxi on the way home since the ice cream he bought might melt.

He bought 3 boxes of it.

We quickly headed towards the kitchen as soon as we entered the house. His father greeted us on the way.

We then placed all our groceries in the fridge afterwards.

I now sat beside Kozachi's father as we watched the news.

"How many kids did you plan with Kozachi?" His way of breaking the silence surprised me

My reaction caused him to laugh.

"Just kidding. Finish your studies first okay?" I nodded.

We now focused on the news.

"Death at Hosiru High has been reported yesterday."

Wait, that's the school I study in.

"The killer is a professional, according to the police, as no traces of evidence can be found. We advice to double, or even triple your safety, as the killer is still loose."

I immediately ran upstairs upon hearing the last word.

Kozachi needs to know this.

I quickly opened the door and saw him doing his homework. He closed his notebook before I spoke. He was sitting on his bed, while his notebook was on the table beside it.

"Kozachi there--"

"You finally know it huh?" He cut my words as he gestured me to sit beside him, which I did.

"I worry about your safety okay?" I nodded.

He now handed me a pen.

"This is no ordinary pen. It's a stun pen. Just press this button on this side as you point the other side to your target. It needs to be used carefully since you'll need to charge it after every use. Use it for your safety okay?"

I nodded.

He now did his homework again.

"Do your homework too."

My gaze kept on shifting from him to my pen.

A smile made its way to my lips as a lightbulb popped on my head.

I pointed the pen at his arm.

My action caused him to face me with his eyes wide.

"What? Saki no--"

I pressed it.

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