Pictures I (Mika x Neroki)

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Mika's POV

I hate cooking. Add the fact that we're being forced to, for grades.

"Ms. Sukere? Why are you staring at that fish? It won't cut itself!"

I wanted to shout back, but I couldn't. She's my Home Economics teacher.

I don't even know where to start.

"Quick, she's not looking." A guy suddenly took my knife from me and began chopping. He was really skilled with it, as if he had already cut hundreds of fishes before.

"You're welcome." He now went back to doing his tasks. That's when I took a closer look at his face. He's cute.

Who knew I would have fallen for him?

Oh how I love him so much. My Neroki. His smile is very infectious. His eyes were red, just like mine. I love everything about him. If I can't have you, then no one else can.

I've been stalking him for almost a month now. I've used 30 days of summer on that. I still wouldn't call it a waste. I now know his time schedule.

In Saturdays, he leaves at 9, then come back at 12. 3 hours. That's how much time I have.

A smile made its way to my lips as he locked his front door. This smile widened as soon as he passed through his gate.

One weird thing about him is that he doesn't lock his gate. It's as if he's letting someone break in his house.

I watched him vanish from my sight. When he did, I came out of the bush I was hiding in.

I then ran up to his door. I can't afford to waste even a second. He might return early.

I then kneeled on the lock before bringing out 2 sticks. One was L shaped, while the other had zigzags on it.

I inserted the latter, then the first. I twisted the L shaped stick, even if it would be stuck. This only makes sure that the combination inside the lock wouldn't reset.

I then pushed and pull the zigzag stick.

The weakness of a lock is that when one of its combination becomes correct, it stays there. The only thing I need to do is to place all combinations in their correct spots.

Once all of them are in there right positions, I'll apply more force in twisting the L stick, making the lock open.

A clicking sound was heard, making me stand up and hide the 2 sticks in my pocket. I then twisted the doorknob.

A dark room greeted me. A couch, TV, coffee table, and other common furnitures could be seen.

I slowly walked up the wooden stairs. It made creaking noises, so I had to carefully pick the ones I'm going to step on. I don't want to make so much noise.

The 2nd floor had a corridor. Around 4 doors could be seen. He doesn't live alone.

I checked on each one of the signs on the doors. I stopped at the last one, to the left. The sign said [Neroki's Room].

I quickly opened it.

The room was also dark. The curtains blocked the sunlight.

I switched on the lights.

Confusion hit me as I saw pictures all over his walls.

All of them were my pictures.

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