What a sip of alcohol can do to him (Misuki x Kakeru)

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Misuki's POV

I looked at the clock on the wall near the tv and frowned. It's already 11 in the evening, and yet he's still out there with his friends.

I should've went with him, but I'm too shy.

I hate being an introvert.

My heart suddenly skipped a beat when the door suddenly opened. Joy suddenly filled my system.

It's him. He's finally back.

I swiftly ran towards the door to see if it's really him. My mouth instantly talked when my guess was correct.

"Why are you so late—" I was supposed to scold him, but seeing something stopped me from doing so.

His cheeks were red and his eyes were slightly closed. He's so cute when he's drunk.

I'm glad he's the one I had a crush on. Unlike other guys, when he's drunk, he's cute and lovely. He will show you his true feelings. Other guys are aggressive and wild when drunk. Im lucky to be his girlfriend.

I guess I'll just scold him when he's sober again.

He closed the door, locked it, then wobbly walked towards me.

"Misuki..." He uttered in a cute low voice which made me blush. Both our cheeks were now red.

"Kakeru you need to sit." I told him which made him nod.

After he took his shoes off, I helped him walk towards the couch, where I sat a while ago. After both our backs landed on the furniture, he surprised me again.

He suddenly hugged me tight, with his cheeks touching mine. He really can't stop his emotions right now, and I'm loving it.

We're now watching TV, even in this position.

"How's the p—party?" I can't help but stutter. I don't know why.

"Hmm? Not fun." He said with a hint of slurring in his words.

"Why's that?"

His head suddenly moved as his lips moved closer to my ear.

"Because you weren't there." His hot breath entered my ear, causing my entire system to suddenly shake. This guy is making me love him more as each second passes by.

He laughed a bit after I shook. He then made his cheeks touch mine again afterwards.

"I love you." I bet my face is all red at the moment. I feel so hot. It's like I'm the one who's drunk right now.

"I love you too."

Silence fell upon the room as we both watched the TV. Even though I'm the introvert here, I can't help but speak. It's so awkward right now, in a good way.

"Aren't you gonna fuck me?" What am I saying? No. I can't believe I just said that. I wish that I can take back what I just said. The fact that I'm only wearing a shirt and a short sends shivers down my spine.

"Don't dare evade the topic. You started it. I'd only do it if you want to."

He's so unlike most men. Most rape cases were caused due to the rapists being drunk, but here he is, just snuggling with me.

"What do you mean if I want to?"

He paused for a second or two as he thought of an answer.

"If you're the one who takes action, I'll gladly do it with you." He said adding firmness as he said "it".

Looks like we'll never do "it". I'm too shy to take action.

"But but what if I told you I wanted to do it?"

Why are we talking about things like this right now? Not that I don't want to. I'm just comfortable around him, even though I'm so red right now.

"No. You'll have to take action."

"Why? You're the guy here. You should be the one to move first. Besides, we've been together for almost a year now."

"I just can't. You're my soft girlfriend. I can't bring myself to move before you."

A thought made a naughty smile to appear on my lips. I pushed him which made him lay on the couch. I then sat on top of him.

"I w—want to d—do it..!" He didn't look surprised. In fact, he softly laughed because of what I did.

"Oh Misuki. You're so cute that you can't seduce properly." He said then laughed.

I'm so stupid. Why did I just stutter again? I hate this tongue.

He pulled me towards him, making our position more awkward than it was a while ago. I'm laying on top of him as he hugged me. What's more awkward is both our chest were now colliding with each other, as our cheeks touched once more.

"Someday, you'll get the confidence to do that. For now, I'll snuggle you." He said, then kissed my lips.

It took only a split second, which made me crave for more. What alcohol does he drink? It smells so good.

"I'll make you feel what I feel." He then pulled my hips towards his. My eyes widened. His pet is so hard down there! How can he resist?

He laughed again after seeing my surprised expression.

"If you think that I don't find you beautiful, you're wrong. Your shyness and cuteness makes you hot. That's why you're the one I chose."

He paused for a second.


"G-goodnight." I replied.

We now both closed our eyes as we let sleepiness devour us.

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