Halloween part 1 (Kozachi x Saki)

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Kozachi's POV

"Kozachi, is it okay if I stay with my family for the rest of the sem break? I really miss them a lot."

I sighed as I nodded. Who am I to prevent her?

Her parents gave me genuine smiles as they thanked me.

Of course they'd miss her. She'd been in my home for months now.

"Thank you Kozachi. Don't worry though, your marriage contract is ready. You'll both sign it when you both graduate."

It's been a week since the sem break ended. Also a week since Saki decided to spend time with her family.

She's not in my house anymore.

I'm not used to not hearing her monotone. I'm not used to her demanding aura.

I'm missing her more as each hour passes by.

It's Saturday today. The day called "Halloween."

The school holds a Halloween event every year.

This is the only time that I won't be going.

Saki didn't celebrate it with me. I wouldn't want to go to school alone.

It's just another day of me doing nothing in my house.

The TV made me miss her more. A romance show is on.

I shifted the channel only to see the news channel saying it's more fun to spend your Halloween with your loved ones.

I turned it off since I knew leaving it on would just piss me off more.

I now reached for the rolled newspaper, that was placed on the table in front of me.

I immediately threw it away upon reading the headline.

A couple celebrity celebrates Halloween with matching costumes.

was written, and it was the biggest font there was on the front page.

I now walked back to my room, hoping that I'll just sleep this whole day. Hopefully, nothing will bother me there.

As I slowly ascended the stairs, I suddenly heard whimpers coming from a room.

Wait. I'm the only person here. Is there a ghost? No. They aren't real.

As caution, I grabbed an umbrella from an umbrella stand before fully going up the stairs.

The whimpers now sounded as if they were muffled. Something was tied on the victim's mouth, preventing him/her from making too much noise.

Slash that. The whimper is definitely of a girl's.

I slowly walked down the hallway towards where the sound was coming from.

That's when I saw blood gushing out from a room.

Shivers instantly ran down my spine when the blood now touched my shoes.

Why would someone kill in my house? I'm not an important person!

The fear of mine escalated as a brown out happened. Everything was pitch black now.

The intruders also blocked every window with cloth, so that the light from the sun wouldn't come in.

It's around 10am right now. It's impossible to be this dark.

I held the umbrella in my right hand tighter as the other slowly turned the handle of the door.

I gulped before pushing it through.

Shock filled me as a lifeless body of a girl was lying on the floor. She was bathing in her own blood.

On top of her was another familiar figure of a girl, with a bloody knife in the air, as she was preparing for another tremendous stab. Her back was facing me.

Blood scattered everywhere again as the knife hit the corpse.

This girl now turned to face me.

Another wave of shock and fear enveloped my whole system as I recognized her face right away.

It was Saki. Her usual blank face was bloody. In fact, her whole attire was messy with red stuff.

She now slowly crawled to me, as she maintained eye contact.

My brain couldn't function properly. I stepped back, making me trip in the process. I even dropped my supposed weapon.

I swear. I could've fought back if it was another person. It's Saki! I can't bring myself to harm her!

I crawled backwards until my back hit against the wall. She kept following me.

"Kozachi, why crawl away? Don't you love me?" A hint of endearment was in her tone, and it was scary.

My tongue can't bring itself to respond. It's useless right now.

She now crawled on top of me, with her knife still far away from me.

"Why aren't you answering my question? Do you love me Kozachi?"

"I--I..." I can't answer.

Her knife now pointed at my neck, as her face became closer to mine.

"Answer me, now."


I closed my eyes, expecting the sharp knife to end me.


I opened my eyes only to see the lights were now on again.

I looked at the knife and saw that it retracted.


The corpse turned out to be Popo. She stood up, laughing at us. She was giggling so hard that she held her stomach.

I now looked at Saki, who was also laughing her heart out, as she hid her face on my shirt.

It only took a while before she built an eye contact with me again. She had tears of joy racing down her cheeks.

"Happy Halloween Kozachi."

"What? What are you supposed to be with that costume?"

"I'm a yandere."

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