Safe Day II: Clear Sight

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[A/N] a picture of Scotland and the locations on the side~ just thought you might want to know where everything is located and that~ ;) If you want I can make one of all the Hives as well~ Hope you're enjoying the story! Kxx

That night I dreamed of my house. The dark wooden door seemed taller than in real life but I pushed it open without hesitation. I was dreamwlaking, I knew it. I rushed into my parents' room and stopped, breathing hard. They weren't asleep; my mum was sitting on the bed cross-legged and my dad was curled up in front o fher with his head in her lap. She was dragging her hand through his hair in soothing gestures. They looked horrible, I could see they hadn't been sleeping properly and my dad looked absolutely exhausted. There were cuts and bruises on his body and what seemed to be a bandage around his arm. I wanted nothing more but to rush forward and embrace them, but I knew I couldn't do that. So I did the only thing I could and reached out to my mother's mind. Her head snapped up and she stared around the room.

"Stella?" My dad's voice was just a croak.

"I think... I think Eddie is here." He immediately shot up and stared around in the room.

"Where? Baby-girl? Where are you, pup?" He sounded almost frantic.

I'm okay. I right by the door- please. I made them stop when they started moving towards the door. I'm at a fairy's house in some valley. The fog here is thick so we cannot leave, but I will come back as soon as I can!

"What happened, Eddie?" My mum whispered and I kew she was fighting her tears.

The rumours are right. It's Ignis Sprites- they took Makri and I and later also Lucian. We escaped a few days ago and Rhian, an Aetheris and Consi fairy. She is very considerate and kind. The elves' hunting season-

"Did you just say ELVES?!" My father exclaimed, rage and fear crossing his features.

It's okay! I calmed them down quickly. We escaped them; Lucifer got hurt badly but he's healing and should be okay soon. Tell the Alpha and the rest of the pack. the Ignis Sprites also have other fairies' held captive and Sprites from other Hives helping them. We also saw some humans among them. I wish I could tell you the location of their camp but- I could feel the connection crumbling.

"Calum! She's slipping away! I love you, baby! Come back fast please!" My mum had tears coursing down her cheeks now and I couldn't stop my own from spilling down my cheeks.

"No, don't go- I-" My dad tried but I could hear Gia say my name.

I love you; I'll hurry back. The connection snapped and I opened my eyes. Gia and Makri were bent over me, a worried expression mirrored on both their faces. I sat up, only to find that I was realy crying. I laughed and wiped away the salty water from my face.

"Are you okay?" Gia asked and I ruffled her hair.

"I was dreamwalking." Gia frowned. "I was visiting my parents in my sleep." Her eyes widened and I felt Makri's hand on my back in a supporting gesture. I sent her a grateful smile and huged Gia closer to me.

On a brighter note- The fog cleared! I looked up to stare at Makri before I shot out of bed with Gia on my hip and hurried to the window. And just like she'd said, the fog had cleared to give way to a breathtaking view. The deep blue water of a loch stretched out before us and the mountains behind were covered in a layer of white and the occasional green peaking through. I could even see a few animals making their way out of the thick forest tentatively. Suddenly I could see Lee running around outside, waving something in the air and basically acting like a headless chicken.

"What's he doing?" Gia chuckled and I shrugged.

"I don't know. We should go find out." I winked and Gia giggled happily, jumping out of my arms to get dressed.

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