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This will loosely follow the entire Inuyasha storyline from Kear's point of view unless declared otherwise.

Disclaimer: I do not own or manufacture or produce Inuyasha in any form. All rights go to their respectful owners. I simply own Keara.

'One after another, demons in groups and hordes charge at her non-stop. She is beautiful, but she is fierce and will never give up or give in. With her sword at her side, she's nearly invincible. She bleeds from wounds all over her body - she's no immortal - but she fights in this war like a goddess. She has a fiery spirit but longs for freedom that she can never have. Her soul is stuck in a sphere that surrounds us with a purplish aura, forever.... In a never-ending battle...."


I open my eyes slowly and the images of my dream begin to fade into streams of warm sunlight. The light beams through the slightly open slits from the mishandling of the black curtains that cover the large window at my side. The light washes the room eerily; just like in my dream.

'Always the same dream...every night...'

Textbooks from a long night of studying and working lie scattered across the hardwood floor below; reminding me of the shoe box project I have to bring to a classmate's house in just fifteen minutes. The diagram of DNA sits, completed, on my desk across the room. It's a conjoined project, in which my partner did some of the diagram a few nights prior, and I finished up last night.

I sit up slowly, groaning quietly when my stiff joints crack and pop. I haven't had a good night's sleep since I can remember. I wish I didn't have to sleep at all. I throw my legs off the side of my single-sized bed and take a stand, stretching and popping my arms while the waves of black hair trickle down my back.

Grabbing the school uniform at the end of the bed, I take a moment to look over the pristine white clothes and the green accents that follow the edges of the neck and wrists. I can't count how many schools I've gone to throughout my life. The number is always just out of reach. I never made friends, I never remembered any of the teachers. This should sadden me, should fill me with some remorse, regret, or pity. There is nothing. I have always been blanketed in apathy my entire life.

This is something I should concentrate on; especially since I lost count of how many families I've been passed along to, and yet, I feel nothing for this either. Not the smallest of feelings.

I was no problem as a child. Never caused issues or got into trouble - I just have this thing. My counselor believes I must have some sort of mood disorder because I never...I never feel emotion.

Every foster family I've been with noticed the bizarre lack of everything, I'm practically a statue. Other than frowning occasionally, my face and body don't express much of anything, and deep down inside, if I could describe any feelings, it would be emptiness. Hollow. Soul-less.

Sixteen years old and I have been held back a year from school just because one foster family truly felt I was cursed but it just turns out, as my counselor stated, I am just mentally ill - we just don't know from what - but that didn't comfort them. They shipped me off a week later.

I glance around at the emptiness of my room; no pictures decorate the walls and no colorful furniture or personal items. Just a bed, desk, textbooks, and two individual bags. One for clothes and another for school.

Maybe I am mentally strange. After all, I have prepared myself for another closed door.

Stepping into the green skirt, I pull it on and then shrug on the white blouse. I throw my school bag over my shoulder and grab the DNA project, I head out of the apartment and to my next destination before school.

The Higurashi Shrine.


A tall red and white torii gate stands between me and the Higurashi Shrine's stairs. It stares down at me, challenging me to the many steps to come that years of gym haven't prepared me for. Up above where the shrine is, I can just barely make out the top of a large tree whose shadow casts darkness over a few houses to my right. I can't imagine how tall it'd be when I am up close.

Holding the diagram closer, I take the last few steps towards the torii gate. There is a fast pounding in my chest, and it gets faster the closer I get. At first, I think that maybe, for the first time, it may be my nerves, but I don't know how that's supposed to feel. So I consider it a heart attack coming. This doesn't faze me.

Exhaling deeply, I pause for just a moment, thinking that maybe this second of a break can slow down the wings of my heart. Before taking another step, I close my eyes briefly, and a long shiver quivers through my body. My arms lift without my control, the diagram flies out from my hands, and suddenly, as I open my eyes, I feel my entire body thrust forward towards the torii gate without my instruction.

"Shit," I hiss, my arms reaching out to my sides to grab anything to stop the fall. But my body continues forward, my legs numb to the movements as I plummet towards the stone stairs ahead of me. Before I pass the gate, I close my eyes yet again, this time waiting for the collision of stone against my body.

A second passes - another. No impact.

My body doesn't break. 

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